All the human female names I want are taken

I came up with a list of about 50 names for my warlock… all of them taken. I started armorying them and most of them where taken by level 10-50 characters with almost no achievements. So frustrating. :frowning: A lot of them were also made this xpac too so they won’t be freed.

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dang thats crazy

Use my strategy for names, it almost never fails getting me one I like.

Take the name or word you want to use, like wrath and imperial.

Toss that into Google translate with another language, like Italian.

It pops out with the Italian word for wrath and you now have a name much less likely to be taken: Ira Imperiale

Now I have the name I wanted, and can sound smart because its in a different language. Bam easy names.


Listen here. Listen up good. Don’t ask for my support when you like none of the names I suggest!

Don’t @ me

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I once got to keep the name Stinkfingers for an Undead I made once.

Whole year before someone complained XD

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I thought this thread was called

All the Human Females I want are taken

and was a little worried.



I’ve been there before. It stinks.

If you’re looking for ideas, I’d also recommend trying the name randomizer and altering those names into something that you like more.


Well… :sweat_smile:


how come you’re not naming all your characters gaahr


It was me, soz Nasuuna. <3

Maybe pick a name you don’t want and spell it another way so it looks cool.

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Never had this happen, I just use names from the 1400-1700s.

Try using names that aren’t variations of Karen, Beccy, Alysha, or Kaitlyn.

On a more serious note, you’ll generally find more names taken on a RP server because someone out there probably has 40+ characters made to fit a roleplay scenario they have in their head. Hence why the characters themselves are all lower level too.

Same struggle when I was making a character on MG.

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You would be surprised what names are available. You just have to think outside the box.


What server? I wanna know if I have some of them.

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Or even take an existing name and modify or add one letter. Some examples that I did:

I just realized that these are all female characters. I guess I don’t do this as often with males.

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Try Alishiony. I’ve used it since I found it wayyyyyyyyyy back in the golden days of 2007

Life do be like that sometimes :sob:

I had a Druid named Eatshiftndie for a few months before the moral majority voted me off the island.

I tend to just randomize names until I find one I kind of like. Then I modify it until I really like it, that’s how I got the names of most of my characters these days.