All the human female names I want are taken

I see a lot of really cringeworthy suggestions to fix this issue.

Been there, done that. I’m taking advantage of the XP boost to actually make most of those alts maxed though.

It’s a struggle :pensive:

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I had a female kul tiran druid named stormydaniel for a very very short time…

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What about an anagram of Nasuuna? Suuana, Uusana, etc.


It makes it a pain to manually whisper, mail, or invite your character, proving that you care more about using a taken name than about interacting with people. Even if the issues only pop up occasionally.

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@op is there anything you arent going to whine about?

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But which do you find more cringe, the variable spellings, letter swap, or alt-code special characters? I’d take the first two over the third option, every time.

Naming at this point is a bit of an issue… I wonder if Blizz has the tech to allow us a apostrophe or a composite name yet.


Same hell most of us live with. Most of my toons I had to make up names for because most of the more realistic ones were already taken.

I just type something in and typically get shocked when any of them work

I feel your pain OP.

I’m still trying to get Rainbowdash. :frowning:

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