All the human female names I want are taken

I feel like we’ve reached a point where Last names for our characters would be extremely useful. Instead of worrying about if a specific name is taken, you can worry about if a specific combination of names is taken.

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I had a dream. It was a WoW naming dream.

You see that I’m called Meriweather.

Well, the dream was to have three characters named for my favorite Disney movie’s fairies: Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather.

I achieved the dream once, for about 3 hours at the start of Classic. Then we had to change realms, and the dream was lost again.

15 years playing this game, and I’ve never gotten the dream. Sigh.

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Yeah, I’ve had to use Translate and a lot to get names on different servers.

I even made up a list of names for a “party” of every class and had to go server by server until I found one where all 12 of them were available. That was a long night.


How about something like Gisela or Geraldine? Would be a good warlocky name and they aren’t very common.

Trust me…those are taken.

I went on an “old lady names” kick for a while when I got fortunate enough to snag “Mildred” for my Belf priest at the start of BfA. I got an Ethel on a different server and a “Constance” on a third…but I could never build a reliable team on the same server with old lady names.

It’s rough, man. The struggle is real.

Maybe it really is time for last names then, didn’t know it was that bad!

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Then you’ll have to keep making new names. If you struggle with coming up with an original name there are websites that can help you.

For example works great.


get creative with the spelling

leave a letter out, or add one.



Well, I’m on a SEVERELY underpopulated server right now, and I have been able to use the Meri naming convention for one of each class, which has made me temporarily happy.


Those are my three active toons

Merrily (my favorite)
Merideth (Death Knight…I’m proud of that one)

And that is on a server that is seriously, WAY low in population. On my horde server, I couldn’t get ANY of those names. Not one of them was available. But essentially, if you’re on Thunderlord and you see a toon whose name starts with Meri…it’s me.

Croatian and Serbian works well too.

I always have a terrible time trying to think of new names. :fox_face:

I’m shocked you were able to get Maesie, and I love the name. So you done good!

This is usually what I do. I find a term (i.e. “fire” or “void” or “death”) and pop it into a translator. Then I take it either verbatim or change it by a letter or two. Sometimes I’ll mix two terms, like I had a priest named Luzvocita (a mix of “luz-light” and “vocitus-empty or ‘void’”).

Take Fajra here. Fajr- is a common prefix for “fire”, and -a is a common suffix for feminine. Thus my female fire mage is named.


Just don’t resort to using alt codes…

The penalty for alt codes is death.


I got this name in Area-52, an extremely hi-pop server, midway through BFA. Granted, I was 100% certain that playable vulpera were going to be a thing but still. You never know when that name you so desire becomes available.

You will absolutely not get any “normal human” names this late in the game, outside of immediately following name purges, which seem to be, what, every 4 years or something crazy?

“Fantasy” isn’t really an option for Human naming, so really what you end up doing is tacking on extra syllables that you wouldn’t bother with IRL. It’s either that or extremely questionable spelling / alt codes that no one wants to deal with.

Every other race (sans the 2 other Humans, and I guess Pandaren since they’re basically just a mishmash of Eastern Human first names) is “fantasy” enough that you can find something that fits the race and isn’t taken fairly easily. Might not be your FIRST choice, but you’re not going to “run out” of names like you can with Humans.

Ah, one thing to consider though - Use a surname as your character name. I named my last Pandaren ‘Lullstep’. First name in TRP is ‘Xiulan’. Worked well enough, and it’s not like you need the TRP first name bit.

You’ll still run into a lot of “normal” surnames that are taken. But it’s one way to open up more options.

Tangent: I had the name ‘Tori’ for years. Ended up name changing the character when I wrapped up her RP story though. Kinda regret it, kinda don’t.

I realized that I mainly try to make my Human names sound familiar, even if the name isn’t a traditional name.

  • Deweydecimal - Male Hunter
  • Domir - Male Warrior (spanish for sleep)
  • Faurria - Female Warlock
  • Hillard - Male Priest
  • Johannou - Male Monk
  • Jourin - Male Mage (anagram of Junior)
  • Justhine - Female Paladin
  • Verilhelyn - Female Rogue (race changed to Void Elf)

No you didn’t.

I’ve always had the opposite experience, coming up with names I just make up and never having a single one taken :wink:

For example, though I’m not let us say I was making a Kul’tiran female on my server:


I bet it isn’t taken, even though it is kind of an obvious joke/poking fun at them.

Exactly what I do. I can almost always find a decent name just going through the randomization list.