All TBC servers will progress to WOTLK

I’m not surprised after the results of forever classic servers being super unpopular

this is why we nees tbc era so we can keep tbc seasonal toons in tbc era.


classic forever servers are great we need tbc forever too so ancomminity of people that want to play permanent wow can form


They’re great for the minority who want to play them, but from a business standpoint, you can’t blame the WoW team for not wanting to make TBC forever servers. The classic forever servers were a pretty large failure with a super small minority of players actually wanting to play them

Just have 2 mega servers for each expac, one for pvp, one for pve. turn on layering for the initial influx, or to handle overflow. problem solved.

thats 2 vanilla, 2 tbc, 2 wrath (and etc). instead of 10 low pops, you have 2 megapops. to accomodate rp, allow rp events in dungeons, where the monsters are despawned and the number of players allowed inside, increased up to 40 man raid size. everybody lives happily ever after.


To be fair, Vanilla Classic is a completely different beast than TBC or WOTLK. TBC and WOTLK have much better class balance, quality of life upgrades, PVP, better gear itemization etc. For many including myself, Vanilla was just the waiting room for either TBC or WoTLK. I think we will see alot more players sticking around at the end if TBC and WoTLK for these reasons. I know I will retire in WOTLK for sure and PVP until im an old man lol


Unless you’re forced to progress to Cata, of course.

I’m praying that doesn’t happen. If it does, thats when my subscription ends. I have no interest playing vanilla to WoTLK all over again. My endgame has always been WOTLK.


I actually wouldn’t mind a Classic-Wrath cycle repeated. Provided at the end of it there’s an option to transfer to some ‘eternal Wrath’ server.

And/or at the end of Wrath seems an ideal time for a ‘Classic+’ type scenario. However, given some of the design decisions the classic devs have made so far…I wouldn’t be optimistic about such a project.


I think if they start now then after Wrath Classic, and then a Wrath-cycle, plus maybe one other seasonal style inserted in there somewhere then maybe they’ll have put together something worthy of Classic+


I agree but also whole-heartedly disagree. Just because much like how the vast majority of people wanted to move to TBC, the vast majority also want to move to WOTLK. It’s gonna leave just a fractured, small community that wants to stay, and that’s just not worth it to blizzard. Don’t get me wrong I still like classic servers and I’d like tbc servers, but I understand their stance.

your thinking about the short term though… come wrath ending people will want to return to vanilla tbc and wrath and there will always be some what of a community on these servers as seen with classic era


This is completely true and doesn’t get mentioned enough. People think that classic era failed because it’s low pop but that’s mainly because everyone just played it and it has to compete with SOM and TBC. Once TBC and Wrath are finished and there’s no SOM, the classic community will spread out across various era servers. The only reason I mainly play TBC now is because it’s current but honestly once it’s over I’ll mainly play classic era. Overall it’s super shortsighted not to do era servers for the original trilogy and I personally have zero interest whatsoever in playing Cata and beyond.


dude my thoughts exactly era realms will be poping after wrath if they had them for the original trilogy there would be so much to do if we had permanent realms for all 3 of these expansions


If they won’t give us era servers at least give us a re-run of these first 3 expansions.

Maybe Vanilla and BC were the “Wrath Waiting Rooms” but for sure there’s a huge community that’ll just pack up and leave if next year we’re talkin a mandatory progression to Cataclysm.


i dont want to keep starting fresh thats gonna get old id rather just have a ton of alts in all 3 expansions in era. i think fresh classic- wotlk at some point has to be in the cards. it would be really good to just have era realms and have seasons dump the seasonal toons into era every year.

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Yeah I wouldn’t want to just start over again every time either. A big part of the time sink in wow is knowing that you can always return to the progress you’ve made. Ideally we would just have Blizz run era servers that replace private servers for classic, tbc, and wrath. It won’t be that excessive/divisive when the progression ends for most after wrath, especially considering that there needs to be permanent homes for the classic community. Some people seem to think that they’ll just go back to retail after a while or that classic style content competes with retail but there’s a lot of people like me who sub exclusively for classic wow content. If there weren’t/will not be permanent era servers I wouldn’t/will not be subbed.


yeah im only subscribed for classic era and som i knew tbc was gonna be rushed and was hesitant to even get into especially after my realm had less people than classic era on it. i think permeant tbc era servers would be so much fun to always progress thru vanilla tbc and wotlk


The most accommodating would be:

Keep a couple of each era with all of the content.

Run a main revolving set that progresses Vanilla->Burning Crusade->Wrath, on a regular schedule. At each transition give the option: Stay in this era - moves to the permanent server, proceed to the next era - stay put, or delete/abandon character - lost when reset back to classic. Have a month window at the end of wrath to choose to save from that era, then everything is gone and restart. Have each patch on separate containers with all the bugfixes applied, and just spin up the proper patch when needed.


I mean wrath has the best racial balances, so there is that.