All specs are viable

The only reason that is the case, is because of people like you though… the irony lol…

It’s 100% a cultural thing.


No, “people like me” have nothing to do with this. It’s the reality of the way these classes are designed. Only the very best meme spec player can compete with average melee DPS of other classes. If you are a player of average skill and you want to ever feel like you are more than a carry in end game content, meme specs are not an option.

And here i thought it was a math thing…


Not really… DPS is overated… I could see your argument if any of the spec could not meet the minimum dps contribution requirements for bosses… but they all can.

You can have a raid with all Enhanc shaman dps and complete it… it wouldn’t be advisable, because of gear sharing and there is no synergy… but you could do it.

DPS doesn’t mean much in raids. Honestly having Reincarnate, BoP, being tanky-er, LoH, rebirth, etc. etc. widens the room for air… I would almost rather have that.
The amount of Fury warriors and Rogues dying in raids is silly… sometimes i would rather a tanky Ret Pally that won’t die and need less heals.

Except there is no Warlock heal spec that also offers the same utility.

You may want to re-watch the video you just linked. A Warlock is spending a lot of time near the top of several of those parses for being “ubber trash”.

Any damage dealing class not hitting 200 DPS in raid, is a problem with the player, not the class.

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What is with the obsession with damage meters in raids now. We always had them, but this idea of raid members needing to compete against each other on them is super unsavory to me.

Maybe my old ness is showing.

LFG: raid that wants to have fun and support each other.


Nope. If it were a math thing… people would realize waiting around trying to get a perfect comp of specific classes and spec that are also good, non dramatic, and fun players… isn’t worth it in the long run as you can mathematically defeat all raids with any dps spec.

When the biggest difficulty factor for 40 man raids in vanilla is getting 40 reliable players that aren’t dramatic and cause issues.

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I want to see anyone clear C’Thun with no mages and no warriors. I will be waiting.


Not unless they are very skilled. The average person looking to play meme specs won’t be able to meet the minimum DPS requirements for bosses. You seem to believe that just because a few people at the top can possibly hit those targets, that erases the reality that most people will be disappointed to find that they can’t.

This is the tricky part, what is fun for some, is intolerable for others.

On that we agree!


I mean… if you call “Very SKilled” being in Pre-raid BiS and clicking one button like everyone else does… then yeah, you need to be “Very Skilled”

I don’t think you are actually knowledgable of the minimum dps for raid bosses… they are actually very low lol

Patchwork is like 350 dps… and that’s NAxx… a lot of classes already have that

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Ret Paladins at the 50th percentile are pulling 137.77 DPS on Lucifron.

The average player with average skill is going to find themselves unable to put out enough DPS to justify bringing them.

Sad elitist stigma, hybrids will not match well geared pure dps, but saying you don’t contribute is completely inaccurate. Can a rogue provide emergency heals? Can a war provide bop on a healer? You said better bring an resto shaman over enchance? Really? I’d like to see a resto shaman totem twist and heal without going oom in under 2 minute while providing meaningful healing to raid. Please do your research about hybrids before saying things you clearly have no idea about. Hybrids can do good damage but need more work and consumables, they also bring utility.

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audio books are more productive, they leave your hands and eyes free to do other things :o

No, but a Holy Pally can.

No, but a Holy Pally can.

That’s only a relevant comparison if Enhance can do all of those things while also providing meaningful DPS and they can’t.

No, they can’t. The absolute best parse for a Ret Pally on Lucifron is less than the average parse at the 50th percentile for a Fury Warrior. Played to the class’s absolute upper limit, Ret can only provide mediocre DPS. Played by the average person, they cannot do enough DPS to even justify a raid slot.



What do you think this is? Retail?

This is Classic… only certain specs are viable. If you want to play a game where all specs are viable, Retail is thataway.

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That’s more than enough xD

A Raid with all Ret average joes dps(24 Ret Paladins, though you could probably bring much more because you need less healing due to how tanky your dps is, and 24+ LoHs, bubbles and BoPs)…

Lucifron goes down in 1min. and 47 seconds.

Wrong, all specs are viable… just not optimal… All dps specs can complete any content in this game

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By your definition, every spec is viable and has been viable for all of WoW’s history. No spec has ever not been viable.

Even a player who spent no talent points at all could still in theory do any content in the game. And that’s been true for every iteration of WoW from 2004 to present.

but … that’s really not the definition the vast majority of the playerbase uses when considering whether specs are “viable” or not.