You can bring any dps spec to anything in vanilla wow and complete any content just fine. Would it not be optimal? Yeah… it wouldn’t be, but you can achieve your goal with little notice or harm.
Your interpretation is meaningless. By your definition it is impossible for a spec to not be viable … in all versions of WoW.
The playerbase generally uses a more practical definition. A spec is “viable” when it can pull its weight at its job. It’s not enough to just be able to do the job… it must be able to do so with satisfactory performance.
It really isn’t. DPS shortens fight time, limits opportunities for the boss to do unfortunate things to the raid, and enables mechanic subversion on many fights. Getting raiders to focus for 2 minutes straight is a much easier task no matter what the fight is than 5-7 minutes.
Healing and Tanking are largely overrated. I’ve Tanked since Vanilla and I definitely did not place DPS as very high priority because of the (correct) assessment that without a Tank that’s alive, the raid can’t happen. The thing is though, that’s the bare MINIMUM. Beyond that, the DPS have a job to do and later in the game the DPS threshold is the make-or-break mechanic.
Who are you to say his definition is meaningless, and who are you to speak for the “vast majority of the playerbase”.
I think you’re taking this all a little too seriously. In the grand scheme of things don’t you think people coming together and enjoying each other’s company while working together for a common goal is more the spirit of this game? If that group is sub-optimal but still gets the job done, how does that impact your life, really? It doesn’t. That’s the truth. Stop being a killjoy over a 15 year old videogame.
Meaningless because it provides no useful information.
He set the definition of “viable” so low that by that definition it is impossible to not be viable. Even a player with zero talent points spent is viable with such a low standard.
Such a standard provides no useful information to the reader … hence it is meaningless.
Viable is a subjective term. His definition and yours vary. So what? But let me tell you something, you certainly don’t speak for me, and I’m pretty certain you don’t speak for the majority of the play-base either (who, I’m sure, have enough savvy to determine for themselves what is or isn’t viable without absolute dictates from you).
That’s the definition of a group being viable. It’s not the definition of an individual being viable at the role they have been brought to fill. You can complete any Vanilla content in this game with an AFK dead player in the group. That doesn’t make AFK dead players viable DPS.
A rational person. Do you honestly believe that when most DPS players say, “I want my spec to be viable DPS,” they just mean that they want it to be possible for a boss to die with them in the group or do you think they mean that they want to at least be able to pull competitive DPS when compared to similarly skilled players from other specs?
The people trying to argue for these specs are setting the bar so incredibly low for what qualifies as viable that the term no longer has any meaning.
If “being able to kill bosses with X in group” is the standard for “viable,” then “nothing” is viable because you can kill a boss with an empty raid slot. You have literally set the bar so low that a void can clear it. When you have to completely erase the meaning of the word in order to make your argument, you aren’t making a valid argument.
This is pretty much my only Classic+ inclined mode of thought. I don’t even remember which expansion it was, only that I was leveling a warrior as prot, in almost 100% BGs, shield bashing the sht out of everyone, and almost always coming up with toppish k-d.
As far as viable, I see nothing wrong with an ebb and flow with class balance.
Are you telling me that a motley crew with a few non-meta members is not going to be able to clear the content presented and have fun doing that? Who are you to cast judgement here? You’re one guy who is also taking a 15 year old game a little too seriously. Loosen up buddy. It’s not all bad. How about you do you and stop dictating to other people how and what they should do?
So we kick out people with poor DPS too then? I mean why bother with warlocks? or rogues? Just bring fury warriors and mages… Oh and have alt hunters for tranq shot and then log them when the fight is over.
Mainly because we just want to have fun and some people like goofy specs. The elitist type attitude is so incredibly lame because classic isn’t tuned for having a hardcore 40 man best in role classes.
It just isn’t… so why not have fun? I dunno anyone else who is going to use a str/stamina leather chest.
Thank you - exactly! People are what make this game great in my opinion. People. Who am I to make a person, a real person, feel bad because they didn’t fit into some contrived preconception of what is good or bad. Absurd!
Wrong… shaving off a few seconds of boss time is nothing… I did this research before, taking a Ret pally over a lets say a rogue… in only adds a max 3 seconds to the boss fight.
And no… like I said in the other post a raid full of average Joe Ret pallys would kill lucifron in 1 min and 48 seconds…