All Realms in this Region are now One Layer -- August 21

idk what realm you’re on but if its a full realm or high, then it is pretty expected for there to be queues from time to time and some lag. pretty sure blizzard even warns you about this before you roll on those realms.

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i dont think that’s it… that wouldnt really make much sense.

tell me how this makes any sense @Kaivax. Just in the matter of hours - Orgrimmar is irrefutably laggy.


Again, you dont play on whitemane, faerlina, herod, etc. how does it affect your gameplay experience if servers you do not play on have layers?

And once again, I rolled on whitemane day 1 of pre-reservation name release, when i only had 3 pst pvp servers to choose from. it was a massive nightmare to coordinate my entire guild to get names reserved there. and now you want us to just… peace out, because someone who doesnt even play here thinks we should have mega queues and no layers?

you make absolutely zero sense.


If you remove layers, increase the player cap.

We don’t want to experience 5 hour queues on raid nights (and miss our raids) until you decide to read the forums, see the rage of the people and after 1-2 weeks decide to bring layering back on.

AQ opened on Arugal a week ago. Did you not think that more people will be coming back to try it out in the following weeks?


It lets people play the game…

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So basically on Arugal now we remote log in at 2-3pm and afk so we don’t miss out 7:30pm raid. Got it.


anyone else find it particularly hilarious this misguided change was dropped around 5 pm on a friday night, leaving the consequences to burn unchecked over the weekend?


So the meta now is

  • farm all your consumes on a dead server
  • xfer to the actual server you raid on

Thanks blizzard, what a guy

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A nice lady named susan also offers other alternatives that blizzard seems unwilling to put a stop to. :upside_down_face:

as a healer its pretty depressing, because it seems like if i want to raid within the meta every guild demands, i simply cannot keep up with those using these illicit services.

Absolutely zero reasons to remove layers when you KNOW you will just add them back later.
It is not acceptable at all about the fact that I now have to log in 6 hours before raid.


As opposed to having to put up with multiple hour queues? I know which one I would rather have.

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This seems an awful lot like the ‘analysis of data trends’ that they pulled back in May/June… but instead just claiming ‘Mission Accomplished’ this time.


Some people arent worth your time bro

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15 likes. 2.3k views. its the daily instance cap debacle all over again.

Blizzard, you are limiting the players ability to play the game with the removal of layering. You implemented a system that solved the problem of queue times and the general consensus in the community is that its like for multiple reasons such as being to dive right into the game and having multiple chances to pick up world buffs just to name a couple.
By removing this and the transfer restrictions, you re-open the potential for bots to flood in and risk people who cant be around to log on early enough the possibility of being stuck in a multiple hour queue. Please reconsider your decision, this could be more detrimental than beneficial.

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Ugh this means the return to QUEUES during our peak time, of which american devs “observing” are asleep! this isn’t very helpful.
I do think layering being active is like when players had too many badge types in Wrath… Devs thought it looked bad on them… so they wanted to clean it up… rather than how much it ended up helping the playerbase.

Please return layering quickly when this doesn’t work out YET again, don’t leave it for weeks when raiders start not being able to login 2 hours before raid time in order to make it online.

If you honestly wanted to fix this problem targeting the layers first isn’t the issue… opening FREE transfers to reasonable populated REALMS is, now the AQ40 gates race is… mostly over open them up so people - entire guilds can move as ONE GROUP stop screwing over the largest servers.

And the biggest issue is when that big ban wave happened… RATHER THAN LEAVE THE BOTS GONE - they reopened servers to character creation… SO THE BOTS COULD RETURN!
Get rid of the god damn bots from high population servers first! ugh.

Really worthless changes when the issues aren’t targeted by a fix same thing will repeat.

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To preference this:

I understand that almost assuredly, you don’t make the decisions associated with changes that occur in game.

I also understand and empathize with forum Community Managers and Developers who don’t want to interact with a vitriolic and angry community.

Many players here who don’t want to be negative all the time or dump on Blizzard’s developers are probably in the same boat. They don’t particularly want to wretch bile all over the Blizzard Community Managers and Developers our of spite.

Lots of players are frustrated by how Blizzard has handled Classic WoW though.

Classic WoW is a 15-16 year old game; so there are admittedly many aspects of the game that I knew would have little to no semblance to ‘Vanilla WoW’ for me…because I’m 15-16 years older and much more experienced with respect to gaming and MMO’s in general. This is the case for many people.

#NoChanges isn’t something that Blizzard has been able to deliver since launch.

If I could offer you guys any advice going forward, it would be to interact with your legacy player base more and to really pay attention to server populations and ‘server health’ going forward into TBC, because I believe it’s too late in Classic WoW to be honest without some radical changes that I don’t believe the Development team is willing to commit to, especially since you’re team is so obviously slammed trying to get Shadowlands out in Fall/Winter 2020 during COVID-19.

Be more forthright with your player base well at the onset of a launch and have conversations like:

“Hey guys, we’re only going to allow up 3k, or 4k or 5k players on a realm because there aren’t enough resources to reasonably sustain more players.”

“Alternatively, we could increase the spawns on large population servers. Finally, we could use layering on servers where the total population exceeds (X).”

Actively monitor how things are going; don’t be afraid to make some changes to a game you developed 15-16 years when obvious NEW problems arise.

The population caps you guys have on WoW Classic servers are too high in relation to the available resources without layering. I don’t know if anybody at Blizzard HQ on the Classic WoW project sat down and looked at what the average server size was during Vanilla…but I have serious doubts that was done.

It is very frustrating watching Team Blizzard try to ram a circular piece into a triangle shaped puzzle until the board literally breaks.

I really feel for people on high population servers. Some of them rolled on high-population servers at launch, and other people rolled on realms that were low to normal population that grew to be high-population realms because there was very little server population management oversight from Blizzard.

The Developers have the tools to help server communities, but they aren’t being used. The WoW Classic team is so obsessed with trying to deliver #nochanges (even when they couldn’t deliver #nochanges right out the gate) that oversight and positive course corrections aren’t being made. This has hurt and obviously continues to hurt your player base.

Why are you deliberately making the player experience worse for people on Whitemane? It honestly just comes across as petty and mean at this point if it’s solely due to #nochanges.

Took an honest look at how overpopulated Whineman is as a server…especially in relation to available resources and the queue to log into the game. Those are both fundamental issues with the game…and Blizzard Developers have done relatively little to address those issues outside of implementing layering for a limited period, disabling server transfers to Whitemane, and rolling out more Black Lotus spawns across all realms.

The level of effort from Team Blizzard has literally been:

“We flipped the layering switch on. We flipped the transfer-to switch off. We created some new spawn points for Black Lotus (pre-fixed ones) and created a separate timer for the new spawns”.

“Now we’re flipping the layering switch back off and transfers to Whiteman back on…but we’re not doing anything else to address the issues that caused us to flip either of those switches in the first place.”

Blizzard left certain server communities to outright die with no intervention at all.

Now, the development team wants to try and fulfill a promise (#nochanges). The problem is; you can’t do #nochanges, because the Developers made drastic changes when they allowed inherently larger server communities. You made changes when you launched WoW Classic with so few available servers to pick from.

The development team put the community in this position due to a lack of foresight and planning at launch. The community could manage itself better by spreading out more, but that usually involves paying Blizzard more money to create a problem the development team created.


this change was made to pad profits before the end of the quarter. if you are as unhappy as i am with this change, hit the unsubscribe button and send a message since blizzard of 2020 only speaks in dollar signs.

if they fix this mess, you can always resub.


What Frostiboi said is true most people were having to remote login or have family members log their accounts to make it, and we still often lost people for a while, despite raiding later than most other guilds.