All Realms in this Region are now One Layer -- August 21

Great Arugal about to go down the dunny again… Activision are profit driven but are still failing to realise that if people can not PLAY their game they will not spend $$$… 5 hour evening queues where people just stop playing the game here we come AGAIN just as AQ opened!!!

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OPEN UP TALK WITH DEVS PODCASTS We’ll tell them exactly how we feel to their faces… but they hide behind community managers to take the flak.

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and even then, the community managers almost never speak beyond a single canned pr message before disappearing into the ether for another month of silence.

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Part of me feels bad for Community Managers and Developers…and part of me doesn’t.

The part of me that feels bad is like:

Nobody wants to be the guy that feeds the wolf in its cage, when the wolf is always snarling and lunging at the bars on the cage when somebody comes to see it.

At the same time…part of the reason the wolf is like that is because its been mistreated before multiple times. Perhaps the wolf wouldn’t snarl all the time if he got more interaction, or got fed more than once every week or week and a half.

The only time somebody comes to interact with the snarling wolf who lunges at the bars on its’ cage is when assigned person quickly runs by the cage and throws a hunk of meat through the bars while jogging past the cage.

It’s honestly sad watching how dramatically the relationship has deteriorated.

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It doesn’t make sense- but it’s still literally what they did. I’m not making some sort of subjective statement here- they saw people were able to play, and they added queues back to prevent that from happening.

The first q time I get I canceling my accounts. Have to wait for something we pay to play for us crazy. It’s like waiting 6hr to watch Netflix. Not worth the money.


I’m thoroughly starting to believe that Activision-Blizzard does not want for people to be able to enjoy their games. I don’t even understand why anyone would think that it’s going to be fun to have to farm 3xs longer to get to play end game content. It’s actually stupid how there is literally nothing done to address any issues such as lag, resource shortages, or griefing. I log onto your game today to find out that there are people exploiting everything known in the book all over the place in silithus now that it’s one layer and nothing done about it. In addition the game takes 5 seconds to register any action in zones like silithus or orgrimmar. Cool, thanks I see how much you guys legitimately care about subscribers.


Incoming mass transfers to Faerlina. Thanks, Blizz!

I don’t understand this decision at all. Arugal is going to get huge queues again and then Blizzard will be slow to re-enable them. Guilds are going to lose quality players because they don’t find it reasonable to stay logged in for the entire day, or they have jobs.

This is Arugal’s first full week of being able to run AQ40, and Blizzard drops this on us. It’s hard to fathom.


If there are long queues please have your finger on the button to re-enable layers. It makes no sense to punish entire raids when people can’t login 3 hours before raid start to avoid being stuck in the queue.


finally, a step in the right direction. never lift these changes please. always keep it one layer on every realm, and always keep transfers open for every realm.


That’s life.

Thank you! Just transferred to Whitemane. Been waiting to do so since March.


Great change :slight_smile: I can’t wait to make sure I’m logged in continuously every day throughout the afternoon / night


the fact that we’ve got folks in known rmt farmer guilds posting this kind of nonsense really says it all about who this change benefits on megaservers.

Why would you put mega servers in a position to have massive ques, servers with screwy faction balance and full rp realms in trouble?

We’re going to have ques, further server faction imbalance and server locusts who don’t care screwing up RP realms. It’s not fair to these servers.

Your actions just confuse me.

I’m going to thoroughly enjoy lotus price doubling and 6+ hour queues again, thanks blizzard! 4head.

Oh boy, now I get to wait 3hrs after I get home from work all day.

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Thank you Kaivax.

Why do you allow transferring AQ books and idols to realms where gates haven’t been unlocked yet? lmao