All Realms in this Region are now One Layer -- August 21

the rmt farmers with bags full of mats have already begun transferring to whitemane en masse to unload their goods for profit.



thank you for your contribution of cheap lotus to my server

so when i have a 6 hour queue wednesday night and thus have to log in at 2pm ill know who to blame

Yes, so many players that the server cannot handle it. I personally love watching the slide show that is stormwind without layers on Herod. Very meaningful interaction.

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Oh, so this is all about you, and what you personally want, to the detriment of other people’s enjoyment.

Do you find remoting in at noon to make raid a fun mmo experience?

What about a 4 hour login queue?

Do you find it engaging to compete with masses of bots and gold farmers for every node?

Please explain what about these things are ‘fun’.

having a larger pool of people to interact with is always a plus in my eyes. being able to see a lot of ther peopl is also a plus. it’s an mmo.

Sitting in queues not playing the game for hours is the mmo experience? I mean, to each their own- but if that to you is truly what captures the genre and being able to get into a game and play it is what is wrong with modern mmorpgs, then I’m going to have to give this one to BfA.

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yes, everything is my opinion, obviously. as for other people’s detriments, this is an mmo, that means there are going to be a massive amount of people playing it alongside you. if that’s not your thing, this could be the wrong genre for you. moreover, you didnt have to choose a high pop realm if you were concerned about lag and overcrowding.

id you dont think those are fun, there a multiple other servers to choose from that will not have those problems. i think that waiting an hour is worth it if it means i get to have a good experience.

If a single layer can only hold 1000 players, then regardless of if you’re on a one layer or twenty layer server- you’ll only ever be able to see 1000 players potentially on your layer. You seem to be misunderstanding what Blizz has done here- the situation before was that if there’s double the layer cap, everyone can play, but that second half will be on a different layer.

Now, that second half will be in a queue not playing. In both situations you can only see the same number of players- but in the second situation rather than those excess players playing, they’re in a queue not playing.

That’s the sole difference- they saw that too many people are playing, and decided to not let them play. That’s the TLDR here- Blizz saw too many people playing, and made the decision to make it so they cannot play.


Hi. Layers on realms the size of Herod allow my raiders to accomplish tasks such as farming, buffing, and general game play. Without them, this server is awful for alliance players due to it being basically 70/30, which you’ve chosen to do nothing to help with. It would really be great to keep 2 layers on Herod so that the game play experience we have is still enjoyable.

2 cents from an active player


Inb4 pages of complaints about queue times


Cool, now about those AV queue times? Could you change the cave respawns so they don’t trigger unless the faction owns zero other graveyards so I have a snowball’s chance in hell of getting a good queue time? Thanks.

Yeah this will go very badly

Instead of allowing those who would be in a que to play, they have to sit at the loading screen waiting for people who play all day and never log out.

Sucks if you have to work and function like a normal human being and cant log in hours before raid just to secure a spot.

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my server didnt have these problems, until people like you, who dont even play here, demanded layers be removed and transfers reenabled because… reasons.

why should i need to transfer off a server ive been on since pre-release name reservation, just because gold farmers and randoms want to transfer here and overcrowd it? why should layers be removed because players who dont even play here dont like them?

As a person from Whitemane, how is this going to work on Tuesday or past 4 server the rest of the week. I refuse to remote in to my pc from work just to get in queue so I can make a raid. 4-6 hour queues daily and 7 on raid nights. God forbid someone gets disconnected and has to start over. Looks like its time to find a new game, not going through that again.

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your reasoning behind why layers were bad are completely irrelevant and dont actually mean anything to layers.
The abuse of world bosses etc. will be so much worse now.
The ques to log will be back and thousands of people will be unable to log in due to the fact that they function like a normal human and work.
Infighting amongst players over in game space is not because of layers… if anything it calmed it down…

Layers should most definitely be in the game when the servers hold as large populations as they do.

  1. that allows servers to keep average player base levels that can represent the classic exp.
  2. allows people to log in an play at whatever point they decide to log in
  3. allows for a mechanism to prevent griefing when someone camps unreasonably.
  4. allows for more world buff drops to occur, correlating with the higher populations
  5. creates a more fair in game economy where mats and items arent so lacking in supply. Which allows more people to access the end content of the game with consumable requirements. Meaning not everyone has to make a mage and run boosts just to make money just to buy consumes just so they can raid

basically, its not - and blizzard doesnt care. it appears a new alliance gdkp/rmt guild has already xferred alliance side, shamelessly calling themselves “asian money gang”.

what a joke.

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Bring back layering to Faerlina, signed, everyone.


Why now?? You just released AQ patch and people who normally play retail or have stopped playing are coming to classic to check out AQ. This will lead to huge queues once again on Arugal. Especially when people log in and afk to save their spot.


How does removing a layer and creating 3-5 hour queues promote community and game play interaction? Ok sure that level 34 farming elementals in Desolace cannot avoid pvp with horde by switching layers, but now raid groups every night are going to flood your forums whinging about your inability to keep your game up and available. I’ll reserve actually getting into a fit over this and observe over the next few days, but there has not been a good track record so far for Arugal.