All Realms in this Region are now One Layer -- August 21

um… bro were playing classic. the whole point of this mmo is to not play a modern mmo.

My server didn’t have 12k+ players on it when I rolled here, guess I should have rolled a seer.


any premise of that was lost when blizzard allowed servers with 3-4x vanilla population caps to exist.


so large servers are what makes an mmo modern? im personally very happy with large servers, its ann mmo.

That’s the nature of player migration. You have the option to leave if you dislike it - exactly as it was in vanilla. Not retail half-solutions that Blizzard themselves decried as poor implementations.

Well you can’t possibly mess this up three times in a year, so I’m going to assume this time it won’t lead to multi hour queues within a few weeks. At the very least as long as you learned something and keep those servers locked they might stand at least a slim chance of remaining without queues.

:smirk: :laughing: :rofl:


i love the argument - “if you don’t like it just leave”

please bless us with more of your seemingly infinite wisdom


Why in the world are you trying this again? Why are you intent on ruining our Classic experience? Blizzard owes us an explanation why non-layering is so important to them. They also owe us an apology for letting the servers get as full as they are in the first place.


The game should be true to vanilla. It won’t happen, but this is how it was and how Blizzard stated it would be.

But enough crying from those who can’t take responsibility for themselves and implementation of retail features seems to fix everything.

Doesnt matter, if your argument is that we’re playing classic and cannot have layers because they arent ‘classic’, then why were mega servers with 3-4x the vanilla server caps created? that isnt ‘classic’ either.


I get the concept of trying to de-layer.

That said, opening up incoming xfers back to the servers who are just barely getting to the point where layering isn’t a 100% requirement, is an almost impressive breed of stupid.


And they should be scaled down to vanilla populations, what the game was designed around. Agreed 100%

its essentially creating a problem (laggy, overcrowded realms with massive queues) and selling us the solution (paid xfers). Gotta get an extra profit boost before the end of the quarter.

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There are many small servers that people rolled on that became mega servers or at least extremely large servers. I don’t seem to understand someone’s personal responsibility in this scenario.

It’s none of our faults that blizzard allowed 5-6x the amount of players per server. I suppose I only agree with you in one capacity, if you don’t like it, simply stop playing the game and unsub. It’s about the most constructive thing you can do for yourself, complaining on the forums about it isn’t going to get anything done because we know for a fact Blizzard does not listen to their player base.

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Cant wait to keep my account logged in all day every single raid to so I dont even face the chance of being stuck in a queue during raid time.

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that’s not my arguement, my arguement is that layers go against everything that mmo rpgs are all about. this change helps bring back the “mmo” in mmo rpg.

And yet, here we are. whats your solution? that ship sailed at release.

Last time you removed Layering on Arugal you had to be logged in by 4pm and stay logged in if you wantad to raid at 7:30

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so your argument is ‘layers arent classic so we shouldnt have them’ but 'servers 3-4 times vanilla size are classic and fine because reasons".

I agree, however it’s ironic that people who wanted vanilla are told to leave. Rather than those who need retail features to play.

There is always a possibility that server populations fluctuate. It happened to my guild, and we all transferred together to what we preferred.