All Realms in this Region are now One Layer -- August 21

It’s all well and good to decry that layering was never meant to be permanent, but they also never offered another viable solution that wasn’t “abandon your friends, abandon your hours and hours of effort or pay us”. Even the few times in the past when there has been free transfers you’re still then being asked to abandon your all of your friends or expect them all to come with you.

You’re absolutely right though, i’ll just re-roll my two near full BiS toons and it’ll be like nothing ever happened. I’ll definitely not have any issues getting them back to where they were, accumulating any wealth, gear or connections. It’s super easy. Gearing is so quick and simple in classic that in one weekend you’re in full BiS. Simple. And who cares about bailing on friends, if they won’t re-roll and re-invest hundreds of hours doing the same content they’ve already done for a year then they were hardly worth calling friends anyway, right?!

You’re dense and toxic, gb whichever of the servers has the least queue and no layers since that’s literally all that seems to matter to you.


IT DOES NOT MATTER WETHER THEY SET IT: It might have been bait too and you all fall for it. Enjoy your layered TBC servers, so they can save costs and every layer feels dead as hell even though all servers are full (just like sharding). It all started here and you were all part of it.

BIG gz. Well hopefully it brings pservers back so the retail kids can again enjoy their pristine version of vanilla that has nothing to do with vanilla.

“I HaVe tO wAiT iN qUeUe!!111 lAyErInG pLs!!!111”… My god the selfishness of your actions because you can not move to a server with 7k pop. Absolutely atrocious.

I’ve been with mine since realms were first listed. It seemed incredible that OCE would only have one realm but the decision was made. It’s too late to make this sort of correction when players are this far settled.

@valinia; imagine being this triggered over a topic that doesn’t concern you. welcome to ignore. maybe you do play OCE, your guild is a subtle play on our fave word.

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And stop bringing TBC into it. It’s not even confirmed and if it is, maybe, just bloody maybe, they’ll have the foresight given how many issues Arugal has had with server population, to actually give us enough Oceanic servers on launch so we’re not all bottlenecked and then given the choice between the poison, the knife and the noose.

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What you think gonna happen if they ever do fresh realms Einstein? If they ever launch fresh classic servers, everyone will hop on it.

But you can be sure they will just launch one now and layer it. Cause #team arugal made sure the community needs layering.

Just go play retail pls
You are ruining it for the rest of us.

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My god the selfishness of you expecting us to pay potentially hundreds of dollars or hours just to cater to your #nochanges bull on a server you don’t even play on is the real atrocity here.


This is terrible! It is ruining our lives. we need layers or HIGHER SERVER Pop CAP


lmao, just reroll?

also “#nochanges bull”… i know a day one player when I see one. Again just go play shadowlands

Srsly pls. It has all these nice features you seem to enjoy.

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If they have more than one pvp realm on launch, not everyone will actually all dogpile the same server this time because they’ll A. Have options and B. not want to put up with this all over again?

Nah, that definitely would never happen.

I play with my guild and RL ffriends. And I have to pay for it?

Sounds like a bad idea bro

So you are a troll too.
“Just” reroll. Forget about a years worth of effort to build up your account. Redo 50-100 days of /played.
Rejoin a guild. Remake mates.


I agree with others that it was somewhat malicious by developers.

If they dropped a poll right now on layers or not. It would be like 90% YES to 10% NO layers.


If they dropped that poll on impacted servers it would be 99 to 1.


Signed. :ballot_box_with_check:


There wont be more than one option now, because #team arugal made sure the community is fine with layering.

It will be one pvp realm, that will feel crowded the first 2 weeks and then just be an empty warzone, like every layered realm is. And its all thanks to you!

I love how you are not able to comprehend what you are asking and what it is you will get from this company. Absolutely no view past the horizon. Just because you are unable to reroll on yojamba, you are gonna ruin this for the rest of us who just wanna play a fresh vanilla servers every few years.

Its just selfish

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I’d put money on it too.

How does Arugal having a layer effect whatever random server you are on that doesn’t have layers?


there is no reason that a huge pop server having layers so everyone can play affects your server in imbred nowwhere


Yeah maybe your realm was an empty warzone, but ours was still active on both layers at most times of the day, especially at high end content.

So don’t layer yours, clearly (at least in your very freely given) opinion it’s not necessary, but give it back to us, because we still do.

You’re the only person here being selfish. WE want OUR population to be able to play the game THEY play for TOGETHER. That’s a whole lot more caring about others than you’ve shown any indication of being capable of.


Wow, this such a bad idea, AQ has only just opened on Arugal. The queues are already 1hr on a Saturday night, not looking forward to seeing the 4k+ queues on raid nights

Plus I don’t want to have to remote in from work hours before raid time, I think this will kill raiding for me and probably my guild. It almost did when you guys made the same dumb change when BWL launched.

Arugal needs more than 1 layer to function, anyone in their right mind can see this.