All Realms in this Region are now One Layer -- August 21

You want us to pay $34 for each character to transfer off full severs?

Is this a joke?


it was actually because they already had 4 established paladins for their core raid team. i joined about a month ago. dont worry about me though. im fine.

This is a terrible idea, already over an hour queue on Arugal. I work all week and look forward to being able to play on weekends and in the evening. Having to queue for hours just to get in and play makes it pretty much impossible. Please give us back our 2nd layer.


“carefully observed and tracked the player populations on those realms”

Yeah and that point to delayer isnt now.

Back up layer 2 plz.

no ques are better than whatever drama you have with layering


We’ve been through this multiple times already. Have you?

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Whats wrong with Yojamba bozho?

Arugal stills needs two layers, everyone has come to the higher population servers.

It is still a requirement for many servers I imagine. This is a horrible time to reduce layers with AQ being out so recently.

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The fact we’d be expected to pay $34AUD per character to get there and leave every friend we have behind in the process or try and convince them to pay too?

Shill more subtly, you might get somewhere.


I have to assume at this point that Blizzard are being intentionally malicious in their practices, a 5 year old child could have told you that Arugal cannot go back to 1 layer.
The first day of the announcement we have a queue that started at 4:30pm in the afternoon and is still growing.
Whatever absolute children run things there now are either so disconnected from reality that they need firing or they are being actively malicious and they need firing.
Sort yourselves out, this is a problem you created by launching your game with a single PVP Oceanic server despite all evidence that you needed more.

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Doesn’t have the community and guild I’ve played with this past year. What’s wrong with layers on a realm you don’t play on, Valinia?

why just reroll there? a second toon that you play when y ou can not make the queue on your full server that you insisted on play till now, when you knew layering was not meant to be permanent, when you have been warned to move from, when you have had multiple times now where you experienced queues for multiple hours when there was a single layer.

At what point are you able to admit that your own insistence on staying on arugal is what is gonna force you into hours of queues again? You coulda just rerolled a second toon on another server and not have a headache now.

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Yojamba’s community doesn’t suit my play. GDKP are widespread there. I would rather unsub.

I think it’s been cleared multiple times already why. Because of the community. That’s what Classic is about. What’s the point of rerolling on another server after having invested so many hours building a community you enjoy playing with ?

Seems to me everyone against layering is playing on an empty server, it’s wild that their opinion on the matter would even be considered.

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I don’t think you realise this, as you’re speaking for a community you aren’t apart of nor represent but if every player that was in Arugal’s queue was to transfer to Yojamba, that realm would now be over the threshold and would be in queue.

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Its not designed for the game and it sets a bad precedent for future expansion as well as future classic realms if they ever make fresh ones.

Its hard to defend against it if the players on some entitled realm ask for it in such an egregious manner. Especially after having been told that its too full there, having good alternatives to move (well 1 atleast) and still insisting to stay their ground on a server that just plainly is too full at this point.

And its easy to hate on a community of a server you are not a part of. Skeram has 150 ppl on ally and even they have a tight nit community.

So bozho; how can you justify potentially allowing a system that was not inteded to stay past launch into future realms or expansions because you do not feel like sitting in a queue on a full server for hours, even though you have been warned? Especially when there are a lot of people (specially the purists) who do not want layering in their classic experience? Isn’t that also selfish of you?

If the server is too full, why then open the transfers to it ? And account creations ?

Why why why would you do this when new content is out? You did this before with BWL and forced us to login 3 hours early before raids. I was really excited and looking forward to the new content. Now i need to spend more time trying to remote login / prelogin before hand just so I can make raid on time. Given a few people would be caught out we will be forced to wait around for another hour for our guild to log in. This does not contribute to enjoying the game.


Yeah the servers we had an option to go to were horrible and I’ve been with my guild since before hitting level sixty.

I don’t like the idea of layers for the economy but at least I can play with friends.

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Layers are good for the economy too. We have 3 times original pop, 3 times original nodes needed.

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Blizzard set the precedent when they launched us with only 1 PVP server available at launch. If you’re concerned with TBC, maybe advocate for us to launch with more servers available for that launch.

It’s too late for Classic. We’ve had layers longer than not and the majority of players here would wish them back immediately.

As this doesn’t affect your play at all on Netherwind, I will no longer engage with you on this topic.