All Realms in this Region are now One Layer -- August 21

You just contradicted your original arugment.

If the server has 1hour queue or more on a saturday stop and think what it will be like on an actual POPULAR raid night…

so all my replies are getting flagged for trolling. just a heads up.

hmmmm. well im not a virgin, and i dont live in anyone’s basement. i shave my beard off my neck. i have experienced very long queues at the start of classic. my solution was to do other things while i waited to log in.

Not everyone raids? Not everyone plays this game to raid… lmao. There is no contradiction. There is just your narrow view that thinks your 40 raid members make up the majority of the server.

Good, keep flagging them people.

telling people to mass report someone is griefing, just giving you a heads up

I’m telling people to flag a troll for trolling, If they think you are trolling, which you sound like you are.

One look at your last hour of replies and it’s obvious that you’re trolling. Dozens of replies only on Argual posts.

what makes that trolling? ive done nothing but defend the notion that layering doesnt belong in classic, while being heckled and shamed for even thinking something different than the mob.

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Fact you are not even on arugal???

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Remove laying is great, but why is there queues? If you want to remove layering dont remove it at the cost of giving us queues. We pay monthly sub. I do not expect queues. You can Put in a Super big server that allow 10k or 20k players. Or put on layering. Queues is a no no!


me not being on arugal doesnt make adding layering ok

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What else can he do? Looking at Joyson’s logs, AQ20 or AQ40 aren’t things they can do. Starting to think, Sulfuras still has locked gates or he’s in a dead guild full of interchangable people just like himself. Of course he’s going to attack servers that actually can play current classic content, what else is he going to do? More BWL?

Already a 60 min Queue on Arugal. What a waste of time.

It’s not like Blizz don’t know how many people log on.

If you want to break up the big severs make the trasfers free and make the window to trasfer longer so whole guilds can move off.

All you have done is upset a lot of people because they can not log in the play the game.


attack? surely you must be overreacting

and i was benched by my guild leader without notice the past 2 weeks. ive signed up for an aq40 pug on monday, cant wait.

you are either severly misinformed…

… or you are trolling.


misinformed about what?

Oh yeah? Make it more like vanilla? Hopefully they boot you out of your guild and off your server to downsize it when they make it the correct vanilla size then?

You want accuracy, you better be advocating for dropping all server’s active population to around by force then? These 10k pop mega-servers aren’t very vanilla are they bud?

OH wait, nevermind, you’re not on a server that actually has to deal with this at all.

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lmao dismissing those who claim “Classic was not intended to have layering for more than a few weeks and you should live with your queue” is really funny. nO vAlId ArGuMeNt!!!111

Specially if you consider this quote from the developers themselves:

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Condolences my dude, sad to hear you got benched. Judging by your sparkling personality, I’m sure it was nothing personal.

I will stand with you in solidarity on Monday night:
I will achieve nothing in game in my several hours waiting in the queue.
And you will most likely similarly achieve very little for several hours wiping in your pug.