All Realms in this Region are now One Layer -- August 21

Arugal is already over 1hr queues on a saturday night (a night barely anyone on our server raids). Wed / Sun is gonna be hell why would anyone think this was a good idea?

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Cool, thanks. So to resolve your issue of in no way accounting for the sheer magnitude of players in my region from the start, I have two options:

Paying for the privilege of 4+ hour queues to play with the friends I’ve made here (you know, the community that’s meant to be a selling point). A 1hr queue on a raid night is one thing, but this is next level stupid. You’ve deluded yourselves into thinking queues are a part of the game cause they’re part of the “experience” and therefore they should be routinely paid for.


Paying you more for the “blessing” of transferring off to avoid queues and this immediately grossly over-inflated economy? And due to me having the audacity of having several alts, i’ll have to pay in the realms of $150AUD if I do have the brain aneurysm required for me to make such a migration?

Sub being thrown in the same bin you’ve just chucked Arugal into. It’ll come out at the same time you get Arugal back out of it or offer an actual reasonable alternative than expecting large swathes of your player base to give you extra money to be able to play the game.

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dude 1 hour queue on a saturday night is perfectly fine. Its weekend, so lots of ppl online and you are playing on a full server???

What you expect?

Not to mention if we transfer off we are locked out of current content because AQ isn’t open elsewhere in the region.

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No 1 raids on a saturday night… If it has a 1 hour queue now imagine when there are x4-6 this amount on a wednesday. Unplayable, actually unplayable because you wont be able to PLAY.

dude its weekend. People have jobs (Outside of covid too). While not everyone raids on weekends (some ppl do btw) it generally are the days where most people have the most time. So weekends should be the most crowded on any server.

If you are experiencing a queue on weekends on a full server that is 1 hour + thats perfectly fine and no need for layering.

WHY. You clearly know the sort of queues this means for high pop servers. Why take layers from them? Arugal could at least function with layers but the game is going to become unplayable again with half our raids missing, having to AFK - move - AFK all day just to attend raid or get booted and miss out. 10/10 stupidity.

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We will be sure to tag you when we post about the queues that start at midday on Wednesday then.

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Yeah that’s nice and all but when Blizzard fricked up the server populations so bad that you had to log in before noon to actually get inside the game for your raid it’s not so fun anymore.

I would choose layering over that bs again.

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Actually alot less on Saturday night. Arugal was at 6hrs during the day today.

There are literally already players from my guild unsubbing. Way to wipe yourself on yourself blizzard. Put layers back immediately and stop cucking everyone on arugal.


Wednesday and Thursday night has always been peak cause it’s the closest to the reset that isn’t during wageslave hours. It’s been that way since Vanilla and is still that way today. Yeah sure some guilds do raid Sat night, but the majority don’t. So no, this is nowhere near peak hours.


Why is it after 2015 companies just started hating their customers to the point they outright troll them with these decisions?

Do companies not want money? Is a happy customer no longer their concern? There are companies who outright say don’t buy their products and wonder why they lose money or have a customer rebellion on their hands.

Stop with the nonsense. Stop screwing customers, RP servers with transfers from pvp realms, stop encouraging this notion ques will go away.

Just leave layering back on these full servers. Stop transfers to RP realms. Stop doing anything. Your cures are worse than the disease.


Ahhh yes, the variable queue times that are between 30 minutes and 6 hours, that I should account for while working full time. I forgot that only nolifers are allowed to play classic, a game that requires a monthly subscription.

Mum knew you’d fall out of the eucalyptus tree so she told you not to climb too high, should’ve listened


PLEASE put layers back on high pop realms.
The experience on Arugal is already awful a few hours after the change.

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It is still early for the Yanks to get online, only a matter of time before they have queues and join us in protest.


hey bro. nobody is making you do anything. youre the one with the attitude, angry about blizzard taking steps in the right direction towards making classic resemble vanilla.

Your opinion would mean a lot more if you played on a populated server and understood how raiding worked so move along and let the boys on the big servers express their legitimate concerns.

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just cause your raiding guild doesnt raid on saturday does not mean other raiding guilds do not. Dude, every half living server has multiple raiding guilds runnin raids throughout the week. Not everyone raids tuesday after each reset.

Weekend queues are perfectly fine a full server. You wanted to play on a full server

Go back to your basement you neckbearded virgin. If you have not had the pleasure of a 6hr que your opinion is utterly irrelevant. Nothing about classic is like the original aside from the content.