All Realms in this Region are now One Layer -- August 21

Don’t you guys have phones?

to remote in to your desktops from work at 3pm in order to log in for your 7pm raid?


ARUGAL already has a queue… what is wrong with this company i honestly have no idea why i continue to give them my money this is just ludacris.


Good news is, Yojamba finished their war effort this morning. So we shouldn’t see a huge influx from there.

Queues are still craptastic though.

Why do this again at the start of a new raid tier? Wasn’t missing early BWL raids enough?

big queues already…

The queue is already over 1 hour and this is the 2nd quietest night for raiding other than TUESDAY… Imagine come wednesday you may as well just call off your raid right now because u know u will be missing half the raid… stupid decision.


Thanks for the queue again guys, you are really on top of your game. So good for a small Indie company ‘You think you do but you don’t’ am i right!!

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Seriously how out of touch are the devs, Arugal is in no condition for single layer, our AQ Gates just opened, 1st full week of AQ, and you reduce it to one layer… I get home from work to find that there is now one layer and 1.1k ques day 1 of single layer. Guess i miss raid tonight, oh and this isn’t even the servers main raid night… damn, TY Blizzard for not caring again.

Maybe take a server by server approach, instead of blanket removal of layers, there a certain realms that you should have known would not work currently with 1 layer.


Layer Arugal.


Seriously Blizzard. OIn a quieter night its already 1k queue. Does anyone care?

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RIP everyone… Que boss wins!

POSSIBLE SOLUTION??? Cant you just have the layers turn off/on depending on the numbers logged in or in que? E.G. As soon as there is more than a 10 minute que, activate another layer and over the course of 10 minutes phase people into that layer… and when no longer needed simply deactivate the second layer…?

If ques are even half as bad as they previously were, the Que boss will result in a loss of player base…

Someone who probably should not be making this decision: What if we turned off some of the extra servers. This layering thing. I know it didn’t work the last 3 times, but it surely will this time!

Anyone with Common Sense: Ah. That is clearly going to result in the queues returning. See these numbers, they say…

Someone who probably should not be making this decision: Ooh look I pressed the button.


Thank you for stuffing us over with long hour ques arugal already has a massive que its not worth paying for this game while you cant play it…

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Blizzard removing layers “This is what we call a pro gamer move”

Arugal’s already at a 1100 person queues at 6.25pm on a non raid night. What’s it going to look like tomorrow when it’s raid night?

What about the fact that there were so many people at the AQ gate opening that we crashed TWO layers?


Layer Arugal and please fire whoever’s idea it was to remove the layers.

Already a 2 hour queue.


“Face it bro, you can’t just play a game that you pay a monthly subscription for whenever you want! That’s cRaZy!”

Yeah good job muppet


why do you have muppets looking after wow classic?


Over the weeks since several high-population realms were configured to allow two layers, and therefore twice as many concurrent players, we’ve carefully observed and tracked the player populations on those realms. Our goal has been to reach a conclusion – a time at which we could safely “delayer” and return those realms to the same population controls as every other realm.

Today, we have done exactly that.

I know it’s not your decision to make Kaivax, but holy hell did they give you a bunch of bull to say.

I know you guys weren’t silly enough to look at the last few weeks of stats from before AQ opened to make this decision right? You didn’t think that numbers from before a new raid opened were going to reflect the numbers after it right?

I’m sure you checked everything and had a discussion about this, and people actually spoke up and pointed out that this hadn’t worked before. I’m sure that the culture hasn’t degraded to the point were staff are afraid to question decisions or point out potential issues.


who knew trying to do things that depend on being logged in at a certain time would conflict with a game that has a threshold for maximum concurrent players at one time per server? its almost like you should have realized that before they removed layering.

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I’m on Arugal and I was already well sick of queues from the last time we had queues. If you don’t re-add layers or otherwise fix the queuing issue I’ll be forced to cancel my sub until you do.

edit: just cancelled my sub