pathetic troll.
Go away. You dont play in Arugal for sure.
I sure hope Mankrik is big enough to take some of the xfers on their way to Pagle…
As the biggest PvE server we were getting ALL the transfers before, hopefully Mankrik is big enough to take half of them now. Otherwise Pagle will be a slideshow again.
I’m not on one of the servers that was layered so I have no say in that horse race (other than queus inc, RIP) but I am on Grobb which had been transfer locked for quite awhile now, and I definitely wish they’d keep that lock in place. The transfers we get do nothing but dilute the already weak RP experience on the server; they can go to one of the dozens of regular pvp instead.
it took until the first peak time on a non-raid day for big servers to have queues again, what made you think this would work?
So given we are paying customers for this service, do you mind sharing what tracking/analysis went in to this decision? It is day one of layer removals and Arugal is sitting at a 30 minute queue, this is only going to be exacerbated when players start “reserving” their spot so they don’t have to wait in queue, surely it doesn’t take a genius to realise that is going to happen.
All well and good to encourage players to migrate to lower pop servers. But when you’re charging 34 aud for the “service” and some might have multiple toons at 60 played consistently. How on earth is that viable?
On top of that, you’ve decided to remove restrictions on character transfers which will further impact queues as people flow in.
You’ve just released content where people are coming back to play and you’ve now decided to remove layers. Doesn’t sound like much analysis has gone in to this decision other than a financial one. I’d be happy to be proven wrong.
For the love of god, please bring back layers on Arugal.
Que times are over 500 started and it’s not even peak time.
Within one day, Arugal is broken. Congratulations Blizzard, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. You’ve taken a hands-off approach for a multitude of things, and yet for some reason you continue to go back and forth on this issue.
Yes, we realise that layers weren’t what you wanted. But neither did the player base want to sit in a queue for 5-6-8 hours before being able to play. Stop turning em off and on.
This is a terrible decision. Arugal is already up to a 1k que to get on. Your ‘data’ on populations is so badly wrong its beyond a joke. Please re-enable layers.
LFM - AQueue 4hOur
Yep Queues have already started on a Saturday afternoon, cheers to blizzard for killing our raid team AGAIN after just getting a proper roster after the last time they did this
ive been in EPL for an hour now - there is a charecter sitting on every single herb node in the zone. Not just black lotus. Every plaguebloom and dreamfoil as well. 100s of people sitting waiting for a single herb node to spawn.
I give it all most a week until we see layering back on arugal. Stupid move from the rubber band that is blizzard. Way to force people to unsub.
There is nothing worse than trying to run a 40 man raid when you have a third of your team stuck in queues because they didn’t log on 5 hours early.
Fix your game Blizzard.
Arugal has a queue over 1000 with hours waiting time now. Good job on these population calculations geniuses.
go away? lol. idc what you think dude. layering was never meant to be in classic to begin with. you got comfy and blizzard did the right thing here.
Are you daft?
no one wants to hear you’re pathetic misinformed opinions here, just leave.
its not my opinion, its a historical fact that layering never existed in vanilla wow.
It’s also a fact that vanilla wow never existed on the legion client.
It’s also a fact that vanilla wow never had server caps as high as classic.
It’s also a fact that vanilla wow never existed in 2020.
Do I need to go on?