All Realms in this Region are now One Layer -- August 21

and you’re opinion that it shouldnt exist now based on the fact they shouldnt have been in the first place, is misinformed and smooth brained. Stop living in the past.


none of those points justify layering.

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A massive population was originally allowed into Arugal and many other servers… this should not have occurred in the first place seeing Blizzard ended up introducing layers to bandaid their poor decisions.

They also had the opportunity from the start to control faction levels on pvp servers to help build healthy communities. That opportunity was not even considered and Arugal continues to be 70%+ horde. Meanwhile …Blizzard opens up full transfers that will likely make this even worse.

Arugal will now return to an open sore … until Blizzard brings out the bandaids again.

Gratz Blizz … safely de-layer LOL


or better. could be either seeing as how now everyone has the opportunity to move to whichever server they want.

Will you pay everyone’s all characters transfer fee? That’s what blizzard want.


Annnnnd we’re at multi hour queues on day 1. Cheers.

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this is retarded you seem to have no freakin idea whats happening on Arugal or something.

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Don’t even bother replying to this person. They are just trying to wind us all up.

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If you don’t want to pay, why do we? Blizzard just force people to do so otherwise there is no way to play the game like normal.

Arugal players, blacklist “Joyson”… at least that solves one of our problems here.

overdramatic. you can play the game just fine. in fact, before they removed layering you techically werent playing classic, you were playing classic+

Why the hell are you removing layers as well as removing transfer restrictions. arugal being the biggest OCE server and the only OCE server to unlock the AQ gates will suddenly get transfers from players wanted to play the new content. which is going to scuff ques way more then they already were before you added layers in. We all want to play the game in the commuinties we have invested time in and dont want to be forced to wait in ques because people established in Arugal are not going to want to transfer.


So what, everyone in arugal enjoy the game when there is layer. Everyone now is here. I won’t reply to you aids anymore.

face it bro. you got comfy with layers. you didnt plan ahead, and now you are dealing with the consequences.

Thank you blizzard :kissing_heart: :heartbeat:

Arugal already has over one hour queues…


6:15pm on a Saturday night, not even a raid night, and there’s a 1 hour queue already. AQ40 has only just opened on Arugal, so it’s going to get a lot worse.

Blizzard, have you lost your damn minds?


Queues started before 5pm. 6:30 pm on a usually quiet night… sunday/monday when most of oceanic raid is going to be bonkers.

Not sure what data you used, but you havent solved anything…

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How stupid are you rejects. God dam can’t wait for 6 hour queues.

You absolute knuckle dragging monkeys.
Arugal already at 2 hour queues