All Realms in this Region are now One Layer -- August 21

please stop unlayering arugal, its simply not possible, especially at the start of a new raid tier (???)
gotta get that little xfer cash rolling in of course


Can confirm, bought out the entire auction house worth on the dead server my alt was trapped on and will be bringing it to my not dead server to resell at triple prices. Poggers.

In before whitemane has a six hour queue

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Layers fixed many things Blizzard were too lazy to address. Not sure why they removed them again, but expected I guess.

No point going into detail what’s been said multiple times before

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“You think you do, but you don’t.”

Only because of your severe incompetence. Can you make up your minds already? You’re horribly messing with server economies every time you change your mind on this layer issue. Pick one, and stick with it. Raid bankers everywhere are having heart attacks, let alone the ability to coordinate world buffs. One could go so far as to surmise that you’re intentionally sabotaging your own project.

A lot of the Herod community didn’t want any changes, but do you know what’s worse than adding layers that changes the “classic” experience? This wishy-washy BS. I sincerely hope that this the last time you change your mind. Though I know after a 3 hr queue on Tuesdays, it won’t be.

Maybe if you played your own game, instead of relying solely on analytics, you would actually understand your community again.


Toxic company and toxic decisions

bringing back queue times for no reason

Personally I’d be ambivalent on layers if it weren’t for the queues. Even if I can sometimes handle them, even if most people can, it only takes a few for raid groups to be badly impacted.

Are we supposed to just recruit refugees from dead servers to fill the ranks of people who quit the game because of sheer frustration that they’re now forced to choose between cooking their kids dinner, and babysitting a character for 3 hours before a raid?


There are already queues again 5pm on a Saturday for Arugal. Bring back layers you idiots.


Sat is norm a slow day too, Sunday prime time will be worse, and seeing Arugal is the only oce realm with AQ open (afaik) people will xfer for that on top of the usual xfers.

Blizzard have failed to see the oce realm situation.



Sulfuras hasn’t had layers since they were removed the second time I think. The most I saw was around a 2 hour wait on Tuesday during raid times. There are 5 other NA realms that have a larger pop. I really feel for Whitemane, plus any full server that receives a lot of transfers.


Today you removed layers from Arugal. There is now a 250 person queue on the server. It is not even close to peak time today and there will likely be a 1000+ person queue tomorrow night which is one of the server’s busiest raid nights.

Can you please explain why you insist on removing layers from our server which immediately causes us to be unable to play the game, unless we log in 4 hours early and keep the game client running so that we can play the game when we choose to?


Queues on Arugal. Bring back layering.


Already queues on Arugal, who had the bright idea to remuve layering?


Massive oversight on removing layers on the larger servers.
Queues on Arugal @ 5pm.
Please don’t make ruin the experience for us again.


Yeah, queue 250 on arugal already.


500 queue on Arugal already. Please let us play the video game, Blizzard.


Remove the layers for no reason, a queue on day one on the only populated OCE server.

Hopefully its not all the Felstriker and Yojamba transfers wanting to actually do AQ.


2h queue already on Arugal. This is a quite day


qeueus dont prevent you from playing the game. they just stand in your way of playing your favorite character on your favorite server without having to wait your turn.