All Raids Awakened

Yeah…seems they staying in rotation. Funny they wait til the week of it supposed to be all open to go back on their word and continue the rotation til TWW

Now they just straight up lie without restraint? What the… PEOPLE ARE PAYING SUBS AND PLANNING THEIR SCHEDUALS BASED ON INFO YOU GIVE! How can they even dare to lie like this at last minute, without even giving the reason why, i truly hope they get some serious competition at MMO genre, than they might treat us better.


people who had upper blackrock spire taken away forever without being told about it after blizzard said ubrs would remain intact in wod: AND THEY DIDNT SAY A SINGLE WORD ABOUT IT.

THIS aint their first rodeo pulling this.

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I could imagine a situation where the numbers for Remix look good and they want to avoid pulling people away from the success of what’s happening there – hence, the minimization of their original Awakened plans by obfuscating things now that we’re in Week 7. But they could also just say that. My salient takeaway from this expansion will be Blizzard’s inability/unwillingness to get out in front of gaffe moments like these in a way that’s genuinely player-positive. “Dragonflight”? More like, “Gaslight”

Anyone else?


I can confirm that Blizzard had stated in the original post that WoWHead had linked, that it was supposed to be all raids opened. The actual blog post was later edited when a higher up decided to make them rotate until prepatch.


My guess is Blizz honestly doesn’t know that far in advance when a tier will end.

They have an internal target date I’m sure, but it’s depending on when the next patch is ready which is a shifting schedule.

I’m only seeing a single person ask about the raids being awakened on week 7. Dragonflight Season 4 Content Update Notes - #204 by Tehwongway-sargeras

Frankly I’m good with the rotation as is. Being able to run all 12 would diffuse the population as it is with a lot of people doing remix or taking a break. IF all raids were available I’d guess only the fast completion ones would have decent queue (then again at this point all of em are easy except maybe the first raid final boss).

the top % complaining about awakened toggle just want to be able to sell more mythic runs to further corrupt the wow economy

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Guess they are just ignoring this

i mean they ignoring the shamans what makes you think they care about this?