All Raids Awakened

Is it true that all 3 raids will be awakened starting on Tuesday? Was there every any confirmation from Blizzard?


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There was?

That would be woke!!


Nah, it would be pretty horrible.


Well I already have the wilderling. All I need now is vakash and broodkeeper ring so I guess this would be nice??

Wish we’d get more than 1 catalyst charge per week. I wanna complete the aberrus mog.

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All 3 raids being awakened will be fantastic catch-up for alts.


And horrible for Cutting Edge guilds still racing against time to get their whole team the mounts.

I think you’re going to have a hard time finding sympathy for mythic raiders my dude.


Not looking for sympathy, all we ever asked for was the ability to turn Awakened/Fated OFF if we want to.

Blizzard won’t do it, because they know if they don’t force people into Awakened/Fated as the only choice, people won’t do it.

Raiding participation is already down by more than half compared to last season; people really don’t like raiding reruns or the attached re-gearing required to do it. And Blizzard knows if they give people the choice, people will choose not to, and then they’ll have egg all over their face.

I’m going to be honest though.

Like literally 95% of people don’t care.

This whole “we are truly the oppressed minority” from the top percentile of players stuff kinda needs to be sunset.


Forget alts, what about returning players who need that gear for TWW that will be replaced in ~20 minutes?


I’d bet money there’s more CE players still farming for mounts than there are people re-doing the raids to get gear they’ll replace Day One of TWW.

Raiding participation is, again, hugely down (by more than half) since last season; and a big chunk of that is just gonna be the CE guilds still trying to get everyone their mounts.

All we want is an off switch; still haven’t heard a reason why people are opposed to it, although tons of non-raiders seem to be opposed for unknown reasons.

I mean if their motivation is “gearing for TWW” then, yeah, there’s probably literally nobody doing that, because nobody “gears” for the following expansion ever. But if you mean “people doing any content for any reason other than farming CE mounts” then, no, definitely not.

Pressing X to doubt.


Since I specifically referred to raiding, no, I was pretty clear I wasn’t referring to “doing any content for any reason”.

Ok, I can confidently say that there are more people running M+, pugging heroic raids, pugging normal raids, and running LFR for gear to use now on those characters than there are fretting over their CE mount.

I’m sorry dude but that’s just such an outrageous thing to say.

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if you require the vastly upgraded gear of S4 to defeat an S3 raid the guild is not a cutting edge guild.

this hasnt happened in teh last few expansions , I was still wearing most of my heroic gear from shadowlands for teh first few weeks of DF raids . It may be case this time around , the new gear may be better , but the trend has been replacing raid gear with raid gear


It’s really depressing how uninformed people in this forum are who don’t raid, but insist on posting this kind of nonsense, anyway.

Dear Friend,
We did get CE last season, and the season before that, and the season before that, going back 10 years, and we didn’t need the following season’s gear to do it, since the following season YOU CAN NO LONGER GET CUTTING EDGE BECAUSE IT HAS BEEN REMOVED.

The problem is that although the entire raid team gets the Cutting Edge achievement by killing the boss, ONLY TWO MOUNTS DROP. So you have to go back again, and again, and again, and again, because your raid team is going to have at least 24 players on it, which means at least 3 months of farming AFTER you get Cutting Edge.

The only guilds that were remotely in a position to get mounts for the whole team by the time the season ended, were the Hall of Fame guilds. It’s been like that since Blizzard started chopping seasons in half, in Shadowlands.