All my friends have quit

I think you’re missing the point and I think it’s not intentional.

What we’re describing is using WoW to support our relationships with other people. What you’re describing is using other people to support your relationship with WoW. Those things aren’t equivalent; they’re opposites.

Still better than the mess retail PvP is

But not nearly as good as the mess TBC/WotLK PvP was.

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I wouldn’t say it’s just the casuals being affected at this point. The Horde pop on my server is so far gone that they can’t even keep the Alliance out of Orgrimmar anymore. It basically belongs to us now. Horde can’t even do instances during peak hours due to a concerted effort on part of several Alliance guilds to deny them this right. This is causing Horde numbers to plummet which is in turn leading to very bored Alliance. These bored Alliance are in turn quitting.

I really don’t mind faction imbalance as a whole, but I do find it annoying that I can’t find world PvP when I go looking for it.


I’ve basically played solo since Vanilla. It is how I prefer it. I like to do what I want, when I want to.

I leveled a warlock to 42 thinking I would make it work, and then a paladin to 48 thinking I would heal (though I ended up tanking), and then started a Druid to tank with instead…

In every case, I would enjoy what I was playing for a while, and then get frustrated about aspects of gameplay that I know were ironed out in subsequent expansions and patches.

The greatest thing about vanilla WoW is that it was allowed to evolve. Classes are ludicrously imbalanced in 1.12.

Will check it out again maybe if they rerelease Wrath. For those who enjoy the game this way, more power to you! It’s not for me, I guess, though I do enjoy a solid leveling experience with a functioning reward treadmill. That’s what’s wrong with Retail right now, more than anything.

AA unchained looks terrible though.

Anyone who thought the game was gonna have growth beyond the initial hype or that it would maintain interest long term was believing in a pipedream.


Skeram server is still loaded though

So far, so good… though that is just one person I know IRL who is playing on my realm and faction, lol. 1 for 1 is 100% :stuck_out_tongue:

Good thing I started with no one irl

Same. I started with 6 friends and all but 2 have quit. I’m the only one of us who has even reached 60. The other 2 who still play have started logging in less and less because the 50 grind is too real.

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classic might lose many players but there are still tons of players who played private servers for 1/2 decade or more who have thriving guilds of 100+ 60s who are constantly active if your friends quit make new friends plenty of people dont intend to quit

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It was predicted that there would be a large playerbase at the beginning that would rapidly taper off.

Nothing surprising here.

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i mean there isn’t even a need to predict there is hard data from private servers that most people never make it past there 30s and only a fraction make it to 60

Personally I just wanted to BG. Other than that the pve is so mind numbing from a rotational perspective and from a difficulty perspective. I’ve never been a crafter in mmorpgs and I have no desire to do so. So what exactly does the game offer me in it’s current state? It offers me the leveling experience and that is all. I never had a desire to spam UBRS 3000x, I never had a desire to raid because it’s too slow, easy and boring and I have no desire to wpvp because it’s generally just a stupid gimmick that gets old real quick. I might come back for bgs because thats originally what I wanted to play classic for. On the other hand I like to play casters and classic is one of the worst experiences for a caster in any game i’ve played. You spend half your time drinking water to replenish your mana because killing a single quest mob will drain most of your mana.


I like Classic, but I haven’t been able to play for days cause of real life.

Only reason I’d stop playing Classic though is cause I’m finally fed up with Blizzard’s China politics. I’m hoping they clarify their ideals and long term goals in China at Blizzcon.

locks dot then wand so they dont have to drink priest does the same mages aoe farm what caster has to drink after killing one mob maybe if you are soloing elites

no im trying to say stop hanging out with whiny people, wimpy, constantly offended people whose feelings get hurt anytime someone disagrees with them.

Also a games industry player here. i don’t play with coworkers mainly because I like to keep my “worlds” separate, but some of my friends won’t play because they also know how “dangerous” it can be. I am playing with a very small group of friends atm who all played back in the day at various level of “hardcore-ness”. The only person who has quit so far did not play back in Vanilla. She SWEARS she likes it, but she hasn’t logged in in 3 weeks soooo I’m thinking she doesn’t =P