All Monks Need to Yell for Changes

nah, I been maining specifically WW since 5.0 and all it’s up and downs and various issues, I still have had the most fun with this class.
People worry about numbers too much and monk isn’t in terms of pulling their weight enough for what is needed (minimum dps all dps need to have to avoid enrage kind of thing) they have had that the majority of their lives.

If you are looking for just fun, never had more as monk.

For being a main you sure don’t do anything on your monk.
No mythic+
No raiding

Of course your not worried about the lack of changes or number tuning. Glad you enjoy doing content not worth mentioning. Keep up the good work.


Forums won’t let me post on current monk main for like the last 2 weeks.àth

Didn’t realize I logged out with that trinket lol, used it for the leech cause was doing some wpvp out in timeless isle (love that legacy leech)

O maladath, that would be why you don’t care about monks changes. You don’t raid.
You of all people should know why the WW bugs should be fixed. Also why MW is hot garbage since WoD. Feels bad doing a 97% orange parse only to be passed by the blue parsing (spec). What else do we bring? We’re all about numbers in PVE because of our lack of utility. Why do you think I made both threads?


I saw this on the Peak of Serenity discord this morning, “Is there stuff that could be fixed? yea but thats not gonna stop us[MW Monks] from being able to fight for 3rd / 4th raid spot”

We have people in the community okay with fighting for the bottom raid healer spots. That’s not okay. I waited a week because Blizzard finally broke radio silence, but we cannot stop making noise until we start seeing real changes.

Remember people, we have leaders in our community that are waiting for concerns to be addressed that were brought up in LEGION beta.

I don’t believe Blizzard devs are stupid/incompetent, but we have to make noise letting them know we aren’t okay with how things are.


I raid quite casually, doesn’t mean I don’t raid.
My concern is their overall strength in pvp and even when they are lack luster in pve, they are usually beasts in pvp and I personally don’t like being OP.
That’s why I try to keep in total context of the entire game instead of what I just personally want.
I prefer being told “man you played well, gg” because I beat someone, not because “oh you’re just a monk.”
Op can be fun, but it gets stale after a while and then the eventual knee jerk over nerf (eg s1 wod and bfa for ww monk pvp).
Just for some reason blizzard just has an issue of fixing our pve numbers without causing monk to become the overlords of pvp.
Now I only have a stake in WW and a cursory one for mw because of pvp, don’t really care about brew outside I miss WoD tanking it was fun not needing healers.

I have played the other 2 specs at decent levels and understand the core of them and I haven’t liked the lack of reasons to bring something non brew related, which brings me to.

I been asking since it was removed to get back zen med at the very least to allow for a group wide cd. I think that one spell alone would go a long way to make monks a desired class.

I too share this sentiment and don’t like it. However over all the ups and downs I still have always enjoyed monk more than any other class, even when they are playing like crap.
I can advocate that monk is fun and still have a problem with their crazy fluctuations, lack luster numbers, and the amount of god awful bugs.

Edit: sorry working and distracted I have a bit more and was trying to fix lol. Just a busier day at work than usual.

Edit2: ok that should be the main jis, sorry if it’s a little disconnected in the point.

I wish I could understand how you think monk is fun. Its not fun thinking about how monk used to be 2expansions ago. Remember how much better Monk was back in the day?

Especially when Blizzard says they wanna bring back abilities (unpruning) but in the end do nothing. A lot of MW wanted a return back to WoD/MoP but we can’t even get uplift back not to mention Chi. We couldn’t even get our Mana Tea off the GCD. I don’t know how many times we’ve said this in the Monk beta forums. Or the SEF bugs

The class is getting gutted as time goes on mostly because other classes keep taking our kit. Its not fun.

I think the only good thing MW got in SL is the Legendary Tear of Morning. Its the only thing I got excited about. I’m sure Blizzard will nerf it soon.

Blizzard needed more time to work on SL! If they had more time we probably could of gotten more work done on the core specs. But Blizzard can’t take their time anymore because Bobby needs his next $1,000,000 raise. The investors don’t just need a 10% growth, they need a 100% growth regardless of product quality.


Pretty much hard agree. I don’t know how people are okay with Monks rework in Legion. I feel like all three specs are a shell of what they used to be…it’s sad.


This kind of condescending sarcasm won’t earn you any goodwill with your fellow players. You catch more flies with honey…

Sadly we go no flys with honey, lots of vineger week before last got us some crumbs and it seems platitudes (still have 3 days this week). But being nice and pretending nothing is wrong with the spec because it’s fun and preforms well enough for a certain tier of abilties isn’t going to get us fixed. Fun is subjective I know people who find their fun with anything as long as they can run 10 year old content while RPing. That doesn’t make that class and or spec viable in current content.


Does this mean more #kungfustruggle?


Very likely yes it will


Posting this here since I can’t post in my own thread until other post are made.

What happend to more Info this week? Blizz the few little things that changed aren’t going to bring WW and MW up and it seems you are bent on tying more and more MW to its mastery without looking at the other issues. Mana is still an issue and Mana tea in its current form needs to be off the GCD. Things like Expel harm being tied to the mastery but still being well below usefullness with things like vivify still being better. These are big changes you gave us, and if more is coming just say so, show us at least where you want the specs to be headed.



Why dwell on the past? Yes previous versions have been more fun, that’s true for just about every spec in this game.

I don’t like how any of the classes feel compared to their past iterations, so in that context WW is the shiniest of the turds imo.

I have never mained meta specs before unless I was playing them already and they got buffed.

I feel I was posting 24/7 about SEF change from it’s original form going into legion and it’s one of the factors that made me quit 80% of legion.

Most of the time I play devil’s advocate a lot and that’s it.
Not to say I don’t want improvements I just rather they be well thought out compared to balancing needs to the rest of specs, that way we can avoid that knee jerk reaction nerfs that blizzard loves to do.

Except all specs are currently viable, there is a difference between viable and top.

Monks can produce more than the minimum numbers needed to clear content that is needed for whatever role, yes it doesn’t feel good when you work your butt off and still get beat by the guy who just spasms on their keyboard, but doesn’t mean isn’t viable.

Well when your raid is at a DPS check boss (maut) and keep missing the timer those people who bust their rears to hit minium numbers are the ones likely to have to change or ride the bench for the raid to progress. That doesn’t matter if your doing normal/heroic/Mythic. The classes that are hitting their skill ceiling but still at the bottom of the charts are the ones likely to suffer when changes are made. Why because if any idiot can outpreform them by playing something with a low skill floor then thats the easiest change to make.



Try again my man, the group I pug with are a bit further than that. I am a pretty casual raider due to my work schedule having changed due to the pandemic, so haven’t gone back in with them much outside the farm fights, but they are progressing 8/12 atm.

That wasn’t directed at you it was a hypothetical


Last night I was running heroic, which I haven’t done often this tier, but I joined a new guild and wanted to participate in the raid even though we’re heading into shadowlands.

I was busting my butt just trying to keep up with the resto shaman and the holy priest in the raid. Pulling numbers just about…10k shy of theirs. And here I am parsing a 90 and they’re parsing in the 60s.

Granted, its farm content and numbers can easily be skewed. But I can only imagine that on progression, its going to be the difference between a wipe and a kill, if I’m sitting here busting my butt to get numbers 20% lower than the other healers can pull.


Ah sorry my skin got a little thin.

A lot of people get pretty rude on the internet if you have even a slight difference in opinion, so my bad for assuming.

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No problem I’ve been the guy in that spot, I’ve seen the low end of dps while playing as good as I believe i can. Why bang my head into a wall when I could just re-roll and then drag my face on a keyboard if it helps my guild.