All hunters should unsubscribe immediately

If you lose to a Hunter AI pet in PvP you should never play your Lock again…or maybe keybind Fear to mouse button 1.


how many times did you run into a wall head first before you wrote that ??

this is a great change for hunters, most of us didn’t use chimera shot because of the huge manacost, and we even got a damage buff… BM is really, really boring


Melee hunter needs an entire rework and a gap closer. MM hunter was already stronger than BM in pve and just got buffed. Bad BM players make up a majority of todays complaints.


I don’t know much about that dungeon pull youre talking about, but i hear mages are exploiting to do it. If you want to compare normal scenarios to a mage then mages can pull like 3 melee mobs and aoe them then drink for 20 seconds. Hunter in that time frame already solo’d 5 mobs.

You are receiving buffs tomorrow.

Your pet is getting nerfs.

As it should.


Yeah, rogues, locks, mages, shamans, paladins and warriors will be globaling people

I don’t know how much mage you’ve played, but even mage without season of discovery runes at level 25 in ERA without the buffed gear can pull 10+ mobs at once and aoe them down with blizzard.

If you’re not able to do at least this with the new more powerful aoe and self healing runes, then that’s a skill issue on your part.

  • we nerfed you by 75%
  • we gave you 5% back
  • this is a buff!

hey the 3 classes I main are in that list! so excited lmao

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No way this isn’t a troll op.

Imagine being this emotionally damaged over a video game.

You’ve got a tough road ahead lol


mages are garbage in pvp right now especially but also pve way bottom of the charts

delicious hunter tears. Keep them coming


Why do people feel the need to make up arguments?

sounds like the tax man lol. 40% income tax, but heres $200 back

So, tell me how I’m wrong.

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No, i have no problems. Feral leveling was great while it lasted. Same as hunter with or without bm rune.

this is the problem with WoW players. They see a playstyle complaint and respond with damage meters trying to invalidate the original complaint.

Like great. . . hunters are strong in pvp.I wouldnt give a sh*t if hunters were the worst class in pvp or the best.

my entire playstyle consists of ignoring every button on my bar and just pressing auto shot and aimed shot. my entire playstyle Ignores the "pet " part of “pet class” and just uses my bow. my entire playstyle Ignores all our traps and the potential melee playstyle to just press “shoot”.

But god forbid if anything else in the hunter’s kit does extra damage, you might as well delete it and give a 7 day ban to any hunter who thought to use it.


Hunters will be bottom tier in pvp come February 8th with the current runes.


Druid leveling is faster than any Hunter could level to 25. I finished my Druid in like 2 days with Starsurge. Hunter was slower.

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