All Classes Availible to All Races

I’m upset that I know enough Japanese to recognize that you just wrote “Gnome Paladin” in katakana here.

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Right, that’s why I do support your notion of ‘put the PCs in the town with the experts’. It would be totally believable for a Mage of any race to look at Silvermoon or Ironforge (for the Gnomes…) as ‘oh yeah, if I’m gonna be an arcanist, I really oughta go there’. Do like the DK quest and add little aside-lines for NPCs to say as they walk by to add in to the ‘fish-out-of-water’ feeling of being a fresh student of whatever class you’re doing.

Again, this is Blizzard being a bit lazy by just plonking down a couple trainers of the same race because of old legacy needs (Portal Trainers, etc). Ideally, classes, rather than races, would dictate your starting zone (Exile’s Reach option aside), and since you’d be going to the capitol right after, any cultural tut-tuting would go out of the window since you’re a member of a greater Faction at that point.

EDIT: If the faction divide were relaxed or reinterpreted (maybe having Exile’s Reach serve as the starting zone for someone interested solely in PvP, and tutorials against bots and such to help acclimate new players toward that path) and neutral capitols could be opened for other training (Dalaran being one for Mages, Pandaria for Monks (since Master Shang-Xi is… Well… cries), Argent outposts for Priests/Paladins, maybe Nesingwary’s camp for Hunters) though we’d need new ones developed for the other non-Hero Class characters.


Well dang, now you’ve gone and spoiled the next expansion… where in 11.0.0 we find out that Shadowlands and the death of N’Zoth was just a fabrication of N’Zoth, and even the boatride and initial experience on the Dragon Isles was just part of the illusion… we actually woke up in Dalaran’s infirmary next to the perma-stuck druid in the bathtub after Dadghar moved Dal to the Dragon Isles between Waking Shore and Valdrakken and extended a rainbow-bridge of arcane energy to the spot between the Sapphire and Obsidian Enclave… and the rest of the world is actually in a fight for survival between the void and light, with half of the black empire having been rephased into the existing world…

Mechognome Demon Hunter! a Gundam wing! No Eyebeam just a Lazer gun!


May others know that the small wont go quiet into the night.
:mrs_claus: :shield: :dizzy:

Yes please, I want Gnome everything!!!

(and they would make a small fortune as I race change sooooo many toons over lol)


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A… small fortune you say? Keepo

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When it made sense in the lore to do so.

I hope they go back and update the goblin and Worgen zones and explain monks since Panderen were the ones that brought them.

And sometimes when it hasn’t. There’s a number of new class/race combos that I think work but ironically one of the ones that I think doesn’t is the one you’re repping right now. The official reason for Goblin Shamans is that they’re so good at wheeling and dealing that they’re able to scam the elements into giving them their power. Which is… something I guess.

I’ve thought this should come back around where the shamans got scammed into becoming concerned with the elements/nature and rejecting the hyper capitalism of the goblins.

We’re basically Rumpelstiltskin.

I mean, it’s not really so different from the BE literally stealing Paladin, is it? It’s just a particular legend of being able to make a deal so good even the elements themselves can’t refuse. Literally Godfather-ing the natural order seems to fit the general theme.

At least with Blood Elf I can see the design excuse that Blizzard needed to give the two new BC races the previously faction-exclusive class from the other side. So BE had to get Paladin somehow just as Draenai had to get Shaman somehow. But you can’t say that with Goblin Shaman given that Horde already had multiple Shaman options by the time Goblins became playable.

Plus BE Paladins make more sense to me given their connection to the sun.

If memory serves there was one Goblin Shaman in Ashenvale that was actually legitimately concerned with the Elements and doing his job as a Shaman. Course he was also ancient by Goblin standards.

Well given how often Goblins manage to blow themselves up I’m not sure that’s a particularly strong statement. :joy:

The only class/race that should be restricted are druids. Imo

Well, I’m talking from a kind of ‘legend lore’ deal. Goblins are known to be immaculate deal-makers, so this is just a fun legend from long ago that happens to justify Shaman. HE (and later BE) are incredibly sensitive to the energies around them to the point of it influencing their powers, so Arcane Torrent being used in cultural lore to siphon of actual Paladin abilities from sheer brute-force wouldn’t be too much different I’d think.

If there was confusion, I didn’t mean ‘steal’ as in ‘ugh filthy hordies shouldn’t even HAVE Paladin’, I mean, lookit my background. XD I meant they literally mugged the Light for the class.

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Both blood elf druid shapeshift forms and shaman ghost wolf form could have fel green in them.

There. We need that.

Their forms should be void purple.

Eh, I don’t care how they justify it. The every race every class has been long overdue at this point.

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yeah I mean im just replying to that guy who thinks maghar orcs cant be warlocks for biological reason.

Just using fel magic on a surface level doesnt change your skin green, the normal playable orcs drank the blood of one of if not the strongest pit lord. AU guldan started using fel magic when he was a cripple and his skin didnt turn green until long after that

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