All Classes Availible to All Races

Blizzard please release the remaining Race/Class Restrictions. At this point it doesn’t really matter anymore. These Restrictions are archaic. Over the years Blizzard has changed these restrictions and opened up some Race/Class combinations.

For example; Why in 2023 can’t a Night Elf be a Shaman?
World of Warcraft has gradually relaxed the class restriction for races over the years, with the largest example coming in Cataclysm. Though the restrictions were thematic and fun, to begin with, they have gradually grown less popular, especially considering players have seen NPCs break those rules, like the tauren pirates Mr. Smite or Fleet Master Seahorn, or the draenei Rangari or Akama and his Broken Ashtongue Brotherhood from Burning Crusade.

Generally speaking, players are pleased by the relaxation of the race restriction on classes. Many players will be able to fulfill some class fantasies that were previously impossible. Highmountain Tauren especially, who currently have the least options for playable classes in-game, benefited the most from this decision. What’s better, the Tauren rogue has been a popular meme in the game since Vanilla WoW, and players can’t believe they are actually going to be real after close to 20 years.

So Many players would prefer that Wow just did away with Race/Class Restrictions altogether. This would allow players to create characters of their favorite Race as well as their favorite Class.


Yea we should open more things up except for blood elf druid and shaman


I’m finally getting Worgen Monk after all this time. I hope Shaman and Paladin comes soon as well.


Why not blood elf druid and shaman?


Because I hate them


You just can’t ignore the lore. The lore is what holds the story together. People like you are whats making wow bad. Races and classes have to be kept in their proper orientations.

By breaking the lore, you are breaking the game. Shame on you for suggesting the lore be destroyed.


They are working on it. they said the would continue to open them up. it takes time though. im sure they have to redo some animations, maybe some art (definitely for druids), testing, etc… it’s not just flipping a switch

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it never did…

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I’m open to EVERYTHING minus two, only.cuz I can’t imagine how it would work lore wise.

Like LFD DK make sense as there are already light undead such as sir zealiek and arathas sister.

Velf paladins can make sense because disc priests exist.

But how can blizz make maghar locks and DHs when fel energies turn orcs green?

That’s a big no from me yo


I rather Races not be tied to Faction before removing the Race/Class restrictions.
Have Nomad Races, Maybe some Worgen are tired of the Alliance. Maybe some Blood Elves don’t side with the Horde. The limitations tied to race and class per lore is much more in depth than trying to say EVERY single player of a race sides with the faction they are on.


It’s kind of different, with making monk for all races it’s easy because they don’t have to change any visuals to any spells. Whereas with shaman they have to design new totems for that race. Same for druids they have to design all the forms for all the races. Druid will clearly be the hardest.

Blood Elf Druid would be the most popular class combo, bar none.

I hate both Blood Elves and Druids, and I’m hoping it’ll never happen.

Because if it does, it kills the Night Elven race as a whole.

Teldrassil is already gone, poor Night Elves lmfao.

Also, I’d be making a Gnome Paladin.


Hard disagree. Some of the current combinations already make zero sense.


sure, open up more race/class combos.

but justify them in the lore. Don’t just start randomly adding things.

I think they could write lore to justify (almost) any race/class, but that lore needs to come first.


It’s coming, it’s just that some classes have very specific lore behind them that NEEDS to be considered.

And yes I know a lot of folk will respond with something like “l o l who cares about da lore! Story dum gib me BE drood kitteh noa.” But people DO care, Blizzard chief among them, so they need to find justifiable story based reasons why all of a sudden gnomes have a deeper connection to nature to become druids or why draenei are suddenly embracing their people’s one major taboo and using fel magic or fel, why undead are now suddenly wielding and infused with the light while NOT being reduced to cinders.

There is also the aesthetic factor like paladin mounts, Druid forms, and shaman totems to consider, and I know some would be satisfied if every paladin was just given the default human charger, every Druid basic animal forms, and every shaman a copy paste of the Tauren totems as seems to be the default with npc shaman but that’s not exactly Blizzard’s MO with this stuff . . . so be patient and it will all be here before ya know it.


They are working on it. Just chill out. You’ll be able to have all your characters as Night elves soon enough.

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This is World Of Warcraft, the writers make up new lore and break old lore every five seconds.


The lore. lol. Who cares about the lore these days. Most players are just running through dungeons to level up fast in speed runs and carries in dungeon finder to even understand that there is Wow Lore.

If you ask them “What about the Lore.” They will answer you “Lore? What’s that???”


A good games lore grows and adapts. Leaving things as one dimensional as they were was awful.