All Classes Availible to All Races

That completely breaks the lore of night elf society.

So you’re fine with any race/class combo as long as they do some story bit about it?

Yeah and in the case of Druids shapeshift forms that make sense. I’m opposed to just flipping the switch lazily and being like ‘Forsaken turn into worgen bear forms now’ with no story to it.

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And honestly Exile’s Reach is just the best in terms of starting experience. Granted I’d absolutely love if Blizzard went back and redid the old experience and maybe make certain races starting experience class based like Druids all start in Shadowglen… err that wouldn’t work would it… Oh maybe Moonglade? Paladins begins their training at Light’s Hope. etc.

CLASS ORDER HALLS! God I’m such an idiot. We could bring those back as a base for new race/class to start their training. Might have to change it up for Skyhold for Warriors (To this day I will always despise that)

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I would also like to see all hair styles & color for all races/gender, as well as all skin colors for all races. Not sure if it’s feasible but would also like a size, height, and girth slider for all Races/gender. Go big or stay home :wink:

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I’d rather not argue in favor of developer laziness. They’ve already stated in their interview before Dragonflight that some races are harder to open up than others due to the lore behind them. I think they actually gave Druids and Warlocks as an example. So it’s clearly something they care about. So I’m going to propose solutions in that vein.

If they truly wanted to be lazy, nothing stops them from simply enabling Warlock for every race in the next content patch given that Warlock has no race-specific art assets. They’re not doing that though specifically because they want to pay attention to the lore.


I’d like them to add everything to all races but story as to why they are.


My favorite solution would be class skins where we make it obvious that even though two races of a certain class are functionally identical from gameplay, the animations (and maybe even spell icons) make it obvious that they’re something different with a different power source. That would be an extreme amount of work though compared to any other option but if I’m allowed to indulge in a bit of wish making that would be my top choice.

I loved when they added Zanda Paladins and wished they did more of that with spell names etc. There’s probably PVP concerns about making people remember a bunch of synonym names for same casts or something.

I’m not gonna argue against your optimism and hope that race/class expansion does get a nice bit of lore flavor to go with it, but my pessimism is going to make me guarded against any kind of ‘lore’ argument because the lore in this game is both shaky and backwards at times, and seems to be used as a sledgehammer to ‘fun police’ in service to some non-existent GM’s feelings about their world consistency.

It was the argument I repeated ad nauseum when Tauren Mages and Rogues were on the ballot; a particular individual (the PC, in this case) does not unmake or shatter a race’s lore just because they can pick options typically denied to NPCs of said race. A Tauren going to wizard college doesn’t suddenly make Thunder Bluff a haven for the Blues and the site of Dalaran-but-Bovines. They’re still going to distrust Arcane power and typically shun practitioners of the art from their inner circles; your Tauren Mage simply overcame those superstitions and decided those inner circles weren’t important enough to course-change.

Gnome druid makes a lot of sense. Hell even Mag’har Warlock makes sense right considering that they legit swore off Fel magic.

Zanda Paladins made sense to me as the Zandalari are for all intents and purposes massive zealots among all Trolls. Add to the militaristic side and Paladin just fits.

ask the jailer ?

he sorta nuked lore out the window ?

Star Trek Online has a character creator system that I’d love to see in WoW… but holy crap maybe some options turned off… because I’d be legit concerned to see what some people might come up with using a dynamic slider creator…
I have often wanted a height option, a “bulk” option (makes complete sense for Kul’Tiran #FreeTheSpindlyKultirans), and maybe even have a ‘culture’ option where you can have an optional popout to choose “This is a human but I want to start in the Worgen area because I was an orphan and bla bla blah” type thing

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But I would also note that whenever they add a new class to a race, they then go forward and add NPCs of that race/class combo throughout the world and put their trainers in their starting cities. We’ve never had a class where it was implied that this particular race/class combo was rare. That’s why I don’t see NPCs being of a particular combo as proof. Individuals can and will buck the trends of their culture, but Blizzard usually tends towards making it seem like PC race/class combos are relatively common.

Then let’s unnuke it. Say the Shadowlands was a bad fever dream. We got knocked on the head pretty hard after that whole N’zoth business and dreamed up that whole mess.

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No argument here I was on that bandwagon from the beginning of BfA beta. I just meant the Paladin spells are classic RPG armored European knight themed and getting more of the Zanda dino vibes in their for them would have been interesting.

Multiple interviews have said they’re going to work on them but a couple of hang ups for why they’ll take a while

1.) Lore issues, they used Draenei Warlock as an example.

2.) Shaman, Druid, and Paladin will take a while “for obvious reasons.”

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Hold on. I’ve never made a Zandalari Paladin before. Are you saying they have different spell names?

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Gnome Paladin? gnome paladin… GNOME PALADIN! Gnome, paladin.
gnomE Paladin gnome-paladin ĜŋømƐ ƿĀ£ŁǡđĨņ Gnome…PALAdin~
GNOme Paladin GnOmE pAlAdIn (Gnome Paladin) {gnomepaladin} :gnome paladin: ̶G̶n̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶P̶a̶l̶a̶d̶i̶n̶ Gnomo Paladino Nōmuparadin paladin gnome Gnom Paladin paladyn gnom 侏儒圣骑士 그놈 성기사 ノームパラディン גמד פלדין
:mrs_claus: :shield: :dizzy:

No I’m saying they don’t and I wished they did like you were suggesting.

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