All Classes Availible to All Races

Yea, I’m here as a dragon, riding a dragon, someone explain that lore to me? Why do Vulpera need to ride foxes to move faster, or why do Worgen need to ride a … oh they don’t (I’ll give that one to you Bliz). It’s certainly not much of a leap that the mechagnomes could have figured out how to transform into a robo-St. Bernard or mechano parrot.

I think it’s time to go back and re-examine the whole scope of race class combos.

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I used the transmorph toy last night and turned into professor putricide as a Paladin. It was so freaking cool how he would just wave a giant hammer around above his head with one arm, it looked crazy. I do wish it was a thing. Looked like I was playing whack a mole.

Yeaaaaaahhh Buddy Orc Demon Hunters! Light weight baby!

I don’t forsee this working. Never going to see a Demonhunter Mechagnome or Evoker Dark Iron Dwarf.

I think this is the direction they’re going (for the most part), but it’s smart of them to slow-roll out class options. Monk is/was the next round.

Demon Hunters are going to be the trickiest. I don’t think Evokers will ever NOT be Dracthyr, though I imagine Dracthyr will eventually be allowed to be more than just Evoker.

Agreed, I want a Mag’har Orc Pally!

This is the same case for Draenei, lore wise those they are people who are uncorrupted by fel magics. Once this races use fel magics they are no longer uncorrupted therefore no longer Mag’har or Draenei. So outside of the mutations that happen it is also a fundamental aspect to it as well. People that want to play a corrupted Mag’har Warlock can be just a plain Orc because that is basically what they are lore wise. Draenei players you too can play a plain Orc >.>

Personally I think more classes should be available to races as long as the reason is not something that goes against the fundamental nature of the race. Cultural reasons like Night Elves not liking mages can be worked with. You also have us, player characters, that work outside the scope of the races that choose leave those cultural reasons behind. I want to see some undead Druids and there maybe so some Drust lore that can make that possible in what that does not break with lore.

I don’t think its quite the players advocating for things that go against lore itself. In my opinion its just Blizz year after year of just DESTROYING what lore the game had

wish it was belfs still being those who try too dominate the power into there will instead of just being peaceful with these days.

then again thrall would of told em to stop at some point…

I dont know how to make this much more clearer. Draenei do not become Manari Eredar instantly for using fel magic. They become Manari over many years of using fel magic. BUT THIS TYPE OF MUTATION IS NOT RACIALLY EXCLUSIVE! If we went by this logic, no race should be allowed to be played as a warlock, because it transforms them biologically. All. Races.

I get it, this isnt explained very well in game, but theres no biologically limitation about wielding fel magic beyond what would happen years down the road of repeat usage. Only a cultural one. Draenei, LFD and Maghar Orcs do not like fel magic on a soceital level due to their history with it, but using it does not instantly change them biologically.

Illidan did not become who he is and grew his mutations even after accepting the gift of Sargeras and had his eyes burned out of its sockets. He become one after REPEATED dabbling with fel magic AND consuming the skull of guldan (which is akin to drinking the blood of mannoroth).

Theres no true limiting reason why you cant be a Draenei Warlock or Maghar Warlock beyond RP reasons, such as your character should have an exclusive starting experience for being such a reviled member among your races society, or you for some reason are hung up on a hypothetical such as “what if my character was cannon and existed for 5-10 years in the WoW universal organically”. To the latter i’d say, You’d be the canonically the strongest living mortal and some degree of suspension of disbelief can be applied as to why you are an exception to the rule.

like how green orcs were not caused by the drinking of fel blood, but more so the cause of being exposed to the fel used by warlocks



Both. The vast majority of playable normal Orcs was due to their ancestors drinking blood, but some like the frostwolves mutated due to second hand “smoke” exposure, living around those who had drank, living amongst demons, the land itself was having its resources/life drained by fel, etc.

Normal orcs as a whole is just the result of an extreme case of accelerated fel growth/mutation. Felborne and Feltotem would also fall under this case and could under the same spirit be their own entire race like normal orcs are (IE, A Feltotem warrior, A feltotem hunter, etc)

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i can imagine a high dosage of fel could mutate any creature, but is more likely too kill said creature in the process, considering mutation might be… Painful
tho i will admit, i am disappointed we didn’t get a legion expansion to explain more on said things, like say humans, gnomes, dwarves, trolls, pandas? and so on experience a fel change.

like we do know Kil’jaedens job mostly is too convert certain races into demons, but closest we got was tauren and harpies, with some murlocs, and a small group of nagas

Yeah, I imagine thats why they are waiting before they open the floodgates to warlocks for all, another shadowlands esq opporunity on why it would make sense to give warlocks to all like how they did with deathnkights.

My thinking is this: We are obviously going to have Djaradinn raid where we explore the backstory of Dracthyr and more deathwing history and possiblity even old god/nzoth history. I think aside from legion 2.0 is the closest we can get to have a reason to train more races to be warlocks.

Similarly with Ysera returning and theres a loose end reason why we could start training druids of other races aswell, with whatever blizzard has planned with her.

The primalist are clearly the gateway to shamans for all. Maybe something with Murozond can lead to Paladins? Demon hunters seem like the least likely to open up anytime soon but who knows.

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I thought the Man’ari was a cultural thing rather then a classification.

Yes and add red skin options to Draenei.

I have a hard time getting behind some combo’s like mechagnome druid. Just no.

The term Manari is what Draenei describe their Fel cousins who have undergone fel mutations. According the the wowpedia their description of the word is " something horrifically wrong, something twisted and unnatural and defiled"

Void Elf on Horde please :slight_smile: