Nah, lore reasons.
That’s different from every other Warlock… How? You don’t need to be a Draenei to serve the Legion, after all.
Yeah, the Exodar nuts’ll cry foul, but even Turalyon’ll tell them to get stuffed the same way he’d tell them to get stuffed if they chimed in about Gnome/Human/Other Warlocks.
EDIT: Plus, there’s a world of difference between calling to cull a Draenei that made a warlock pact and calling to cull a Draenei that made a warlock pact and also personally saved an entire expedition’s worth of allied troops and put an end to a potential dragon threat.
The lore is all this game has left - it’s an over glorified lobby game at this point with the remnants of the lore keeping some small player base and the hyper competitive fps esports guys making up the majority of the player base
Shadowlands could have been one of the best expansions if no one cares about the lore
shamans and druids or blood elves?
“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. '” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
The OP also has a Dream.
Because the art team needs to make Night Elf Shaman totems.
There’s 1000% an excuse to delay Paladin, Shaman, and Druid for every race, even ignoring the fact those are deeply lore-based classes and deserve explanation.
The art team will need to make a ton of paladin mounts, totems, and druid forms.
Hopefully, the time the art team needs will give them enough time to establish stories for those combinations they can release in short stories or other means.
That said, I made a thread in Community Council a few days ago asking why they’re holding back Warlocks.
If they can release Orc Priest without explanation (and specifically telling us they’re going to have the NPC explain it in a later patch), then they can release all remaining Warlock Races and just have NPCs explain Draenei/Mag’har later. (Though it’s not that hard to imagine the Draenei learned from the Broken [the warlock trainer in shatt has been a broken since BC] how to control but not be controlled, and the Mag’har learned to control from the Orcs)
Wouldn’t the skin color change take years though? Unless they go full direct like drinking Pit Lord Blood?
Right now I’m just considering Orc Priests a different type of Seer Shaman that uses Light and Dark.
You could have said the same thing about Night Elf mages pre-Cataclysm.
And pretty much every Warlock in existence is not “accepted” by their people.
Also, keep in mind, the Mag’har we have as playable don’t have the history of the Fel that you know. They know very little about the fel taint that caused the Orcs we have in Azeroth. We entered Draenor before the fel taint happened. Yes, some did drink the blood during WoD, but not nearly as many as in the original timeline. So it wouldn’t really be a cultural widespread thing.
The Mag’har we know are more scared of the Light than the Fel, at least in my eyes. I have zero doubts Geya’rah would encourage some Mag’har to learn to control the fel to help them in case the Army of the Light ever finds them.
Now, Mag’har Paladins? Those I would want some hardcore explanation before being implemented. (For instance, if we have a future Light expansion where the AotL returns and is a villain/etc. then they could just say they were defectors that rejoined the Mag’har lol)
Well this is just me fanwanking a theory out but they could take a page out of the Blood elves Blood Knight, subverting the Light under their will and using the weapon of the enemy against them. Much like Demon Hunters do.
Okay, what about DH maghar??
That’s directly infusing yourself with a demon soul.
How can you justify that
My wishlist it KT paladins and Eredar/Dreanei DHs. (Nightborne for the horde)
This and mages were never on odd combo to me because we’ve seen them in game since 2004. Then when TBC and WoD were released, we seen more orc priests in the Shadowmoon Clan.
So what needs to be explained, I wonder?
Well… lore aside, they’d have to design racial totems for this class for each individual race. That’s probably one of the more compelling reasons for Blizzard right now, but hopefully not the most compelling one.
As far as the lore goes, while it would be highly unusual for a night elf to be a shaman it wouldn’t be impossible. However there are some race combinations that are virtually (or literally) impossible. If they were added, the game’s lore would have to be completely and utterly abandoned. For instance, Mag’har warlocks literally can’t exist. Void elf paladins, unless the lore was changed dramatically, also cannot exist.
If Blizzard wants to go that route that is their prerogative but I think it’s a terrible idea. I do, however, think adding more class combinations would be great, but not every class combination needs to exist. Some more alternatives for demon hunters, for instance, would be excellent. Nightborne and void elves seem ideal for that. Many other class combinations might stretch the lore but wouldn’t break it, and those would be okay too.
Any race/class combination that would require designing new models will be exceptionally less likely though. There is reason why so few races can be druids and it’s not because druids are picky about who they allow to learn from them. It’s because Blizzard doesn’t want to create that many new bear/cat/etc models.
It’s not about being reviled for using fel magic. They literally can’t be mag’har (brown skin) orcs, because the fel magic would corrupt them and turn them into normal green orcs.
Night elf mages actually were very interesting in Cataclysm though, as it was the return fo the Highborne into their society. Sadly that story didn’t get played out very strongly, but there was a lot of lore behind it at the time, as much as there was for tauren paladins and the like.
To be honest, those two are very good examples of how to add a new class combination into WoW–with lost of story behind it, playing it out in an interesting way! I’d like to think WoW usually does try to do this for unusual combinations.
Over repeated use, over many years this applies to ALL races. Nightborne warlocks by this logic shouldnt exist because they are actually “Felborne” and not Nightborne anymore. Orcs are not a special case in this situation.
Green skin orcs is a mutation that happened decades prior to the beginning of the WoW universe. As playable characters we do not develop any mutations for in game limitations/reasons.
In theory lets say, 5 years of being a fel using warlock would probally change your skin to green as an orc, but it would also cause similiar mutations to EVERY OTHER RACE! Human warlocks should have horns and spikes and other mutations, Trolls should have fel pustles ripping their skin open.
We dont see anything like this for mostly for in game reasons but also we are just choosen special ones as playable characters.
I imagine the primalist are a gateway to explain shamans for all races in the next major patch, and then whenever we take on the inevitable deathwing esq raid with the djaradinn, we’ll get warlocks, and when we take on the Ysera situation we’ll get druids and Alexstrasza we will get paladins
We should just have 1 race, class, and spec. That way no1 can complain about anything.
i’d like to see that…
but you know what would happen…
everyone would be a night elf!
And let us pick the faction too. Like faction type 1 or 2.