It is a very similar mindset. “Only night elves should be druids, don’t even think about it you blood elf. having a blood elf druid would ruin the whole game.”
And mostly kill on sight.
Drae warlocks absolutely would not be welcomed into the fold due to the sheer amount of trauma the Legion has caused the Draenei over a LONG period.
Meanwhile draenei have no problems associating with other warlocks as long as they aren’t draenei. Funny how inconsistent this logic becomes when you actually inspect it.
A shame too.
They really should be gungho stamping them out wherever they show up.
I still want a Dwarf Druid.
I have books I read that mentions them.
Orrrrrrr, the game could stop being cringe and we could move on from this substandard way of thinking?
No, let’s not.
Lore is still important. There are some class/race combos that are physically impossible. No being able to be a priest doesn’t change that.
Some classes require a special connection that not all races have. Druids for example, isn’t just a matter of being ‘taught’ by another druid. It requires a connection to the emerald dream/wild gods. Racial culture is just as important to the game and it’s lore as the raids and dungeons.
How is it cringe to respect the lore?
Cringe is subjective. I don’t see the disallowment of draenei warlocks as cringe.
I feel it as following some vestige of lore, even if said lore gets yeeted to the stratosphere every couple weeks.
This makes less than no sense.
Every character concept in the game is, by default, unique because there’s a uniquely different mind behind every single character.
That’s what questlines are for. Allied class options. Why would this be a problem? Make it so you can play the classes as long as you go through the quest unlock scenario where you actually become an established blood elf of the emerald dream? This lack of collaboration just makes me think of racial segregation and it’s uncomfortable to be honest.
Warlocks are one of the great evils of WoW but we play them. I like anti-hero classes, I’m in the minority here.
lol let’s not go there.
I’m not going there, the game already does it. We’re there from the beginning.
Nah you’re going there.
Again with the reaching.
I’m allowed to share how the game’s current setup makes me feel. I wouldn’t mention racial segregation in this context if it wasn’t relevant. It wouldn’t cross my mind to begin with.
It isn’t relevant though.
A game disallowing class/race options is not akin to real life segregation, and insinuating it is is both an insult and an act of ignorance.
That’s your opinion and I don’t share it. Carry on.
Other races aren’t as sensitive to the fel as draenei are. It’s been made abundantly clear what happens to them if they dabble with it. The same is not true for every race.
Ah ok, someone content with their ignorance.