All Action Bars Resetting / Dragonflight Pre-patch

I’ve seen topics about this in previous years, but it seems to be happening again with the Dragonflight Pre-patch.
I’ve now had three separate instances where all my action bars, including the the “right side” action bars have cleared themselves. It first happened when I hearthed to Sinfall on my Demon Hunter, I went ahead and fixed it assuming it was a random bug that likely wouldn’t happen again. I was wrong. After fixing all of them I decided to adjust my Demon Hunter talent tree, confirmed my choices and it reset the action bars again.
Most recently on my Rogue, I adjusted my talents, got everything situated and queued for the Headless Horseman dungeon for the toon’s daily chance at the mount. When I loaded into the instance, again, my talents were reset.

I asked my guild if they’ve been dealing with this and no one said they were so I’m a little irritated and perplexed as to why this keeps occurring.

I currently have all my add-ons disabled because they were bugging out so I don’t believe that could be the cause.

Has this been happening to anyone else during the pre-patch? If so, any suggestions or fixes because having to constantly fix my action bars to use my keybinds is getting quite irritating.

Edit: Also happened to Hunter after joining instance of Groupfinder Headless Horseman.


Happened to me once like a year ago on an alt, but that time it resolved itself on its own like an hour later. I had even started setting it back up but the original set overwrote it.
Happened again last night after playing around with new UI. Has not restored itself this time.
Any luck finding a fix yet?

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This, exactly what you described, keeps happening when I change specs on alts.


Having the same issue. Every time I switch specs, my action bar resets. It’s not saving the action bars per spec


Had this problem when loading in a random queue dungoen to heal. Everything just gone when I loaded in. Very upsetting.


The last time it happened was yesterday when I queued for Horseman on my Hunter, hasn’t happened since but I’m slightly relieved this isn’t just a personal issue.

I had to resort to taking screenshots of all my toons in the chance it happens again, I’ll be ready.

I’m unsure if this has anything to do with it, after I saved my talent trees as well as my custom UIs that I can select from the provided drop downs it hasn’t happened since.
I was also able to turn back on Rarity and Details (damage meter only) and they don’t seem to be affecting anything.

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I just logged on both toons and all my action bars are missing. They are checked in the options to be on. Tried relogging, turning off addons, so far nothing.


Same issue here, changing a loadout clears all my actionbars.


Imported a build from Icy, blank bars. Repeatable.

Thankfully I have a Horde and Ally of every class to keep my bars the same.


I’ve noticed that this has been happening to me when I save a talent loadout and then delete that talent loadout.


The vast majority of the items in all of my action bars disappear after I log out of the character and log back in. I spent quite some time arranging all of those, and then they’re gone just because I switched to a different toon and came back. That’s a pretty invasive bug!


Note: My issue comes from the fact that I messed with the new loadouts feature in the talent screen. If you haven’t done this, my solution may not work.


  1. Delete all existing loadouts.
  2. Create a new loadout for each spec you want to use.
  3. Highlight the loadout, and you’ll see a settings button. Click it.
  4. In this menu, select “Shared Action Bars”. Make sure you do this on all loadouts you’ve created and in each spec you care about.
  5. Try adding some SPEC (Not class) abilities on your current action bars. Then, switch specs to test out if they stick this time.

Hope this helps, it worked for me.


(post deleted by author)

this just happened to my DH, i imported talents and it compeletely removed everything from my action bars WTF?!?!

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same exact thing, copied from icyveins

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Had the same issue. Was able to go into Edit Mode and change the loadout to my last saved one, which worked. I’m not sure why it doesn’t go to that one as the default, but I’ll delete the other builds for now.

this exact same thing is happening to me whenever i import a talent profile, everything is good, then when the load bar finishes my whole UI is wiped. (ability and spell-wise)

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This is happening on all my characters. I’ll go to settings and enable all action bars but the last 2 don’t ever show up on my screen. I want my old UI back

Very frustrating! I setup my UI, then change my build and my spells are all in the wrong base and screws up keybinds!@!!!

This just occurred to me after I deleted an imported talent string. This is not something minor as it appears to be affecting many players.