All Action Bars Resetting / Dragonflight Pre-patch

What is happening to me is every time I change specs, any talented spells are gone from my bars when I switch back and I have to put them back on my bars again. Kind of annoying.

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This just happened to me tonight when I hearthed back to stormwind embassy on a level 22 character from Draenor garrison area. Then it happened again 40 minutes later on a level 50 toon. The level 22 I had imported a loadout before hearthing. The level 50 all I did was log in and their actionbars were all empty.

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Happened a third time this week. If I mess with any talents everything clears when I log back in. Spells, talent spells, mounts, pets, professions, even auto-attack. Everything gone.
I’m gonna have to start taking pics before I do any talent work from now on.

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Please Blizzarrd fix this OMG wiping my actionbars???/??? 3x already should not be a thing!!!

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I have setup and saved a UI three times now since prepatch launched, every time I log back in it is deleted and back to default :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Just happened to me when activating a new loadout. All action bars empty.

How has this not been addressed or fixed? Hmmm???

This is also happening to me, every single bar reset and only “new” talent skills that I switched to were placed on my first action bar… muh bars T_T

Just wondering if anyone has found a solution yet?

Clearly there are plenty of people not having this problem since I don’t see much buzz about it.

So this appears to be a bug due to the new talent save system and using 3rd party sites (And possibly importing from others).
After talking with a guild member, it looks like blizz did not implement a proper logic check for when a talent build is imported and no action bar data is included. This is due to imports by default having “Use Shared Action Bars” disabled.

The game attempts validate the saved talents and then apply the applicable action bars. But when there are no action bar saved, it just wipes it instead. This can trigger any time the game hits a character update like loading into other zones, logins, and reloads after importing talents.

The work around I found is to import the talents and then force a save overwrite to the imported build so it picks up your action bars as well.
In the end, a fix from blizz’s side would be to save the current action bar to the imported build by default.


Blizz, any word on a fix??? This is so frustrating.

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Ive been playing fine for a week and this issue started happening last night. I logged in today set all my bars, changed a talent and everything was gone. Redid bars, DC, come back everything is gone. this is game breaking.

has anyone found a fix?

I have the same problem.
No addons, no import, nothing.

As soon as I change my spec from prot to arms, it wipes out all my bars, removing specific skills to the spec…
More than anoying, unplayable

I only had this issue when I imported a build from icyveins. Importing from wowhead has worked everytime

I used to play took a few years off and came back. My hunter is a level 47 I finally made it to New Dalaran and my spellbook erased itself and I lost all my pets and the ability to tame more. There’s no way I can solo without my pets…. Opened a ticket but it says response time 34 hours.

Looks like this issue has been fixed in the latest hotfix:

Fixed an issue where action bars could get cleared when switching loadouts.


My level 59 rogue just hit level 60 and did a renown boost to 60 (not sure if this happened before or after) but I think when I added my 60th talent something messed up with my saved tree and all of my bars were reset.

Not only were my bars reset to some weird stage but bar placements got changed -entirely-. Bar 2 was moved, I have bars in weird places. I have no idea whats happening but its not aligned with my other characters at all.

Just happened to me about 20 minutes ago. I was dinking around with icy-veins imports and at some point of adding/removing loadouts, all action bars cleared. Unfortunately, I had talent screen up and don’t know which “action” caused it.

Happened to me today (11/6/2022) using an icyveins import on my Holy Paladin. Luckily I use mouseover keybinds so I could still heal with the loss of holy power generation. Slowly added spells to bars through the dungeon

Still happening to me on live servers.