Alexstrasza Alliance Reconnections

Shadowelite - Human Paladin in Identity Crisis

I played a Dwarf Rogue named “Kkesu” I was in Arisen phoenix I also had a Human Paladin named Simonpegg
(primarily through a friend) I remember Playing with Korin and Mixxy

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Hey Hiko, I played as a dwarf hunter named Rilkar back in the day. I can understand if you don’t remember since it was so long ago. I believe we were in Destiny together? I used to say hi to you with this smile all the time, too - :>

Man, I was around 10 years old back then. Now much older and out of college. I’ve got some memories with you, as far back and young as I was. Add me! Bronzongers#1771

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I was the GM for the guild “RUNNING SCISSORS”. I was a night elf hunter called Blinkaoa. Later on I was a Shaman Healers called Shabina.

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I remember man! Good times. I’ll add you later.

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Hey Hiko!
Yes it was good times. It was some crazy times and laughs. What was the name of your toon? Your name is sounding so familiar.

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This one here is my original vanilla toon. I took a free transfer off Alexstrasza in TBC.

Ah shoot, we’re pretty dead set on playing Horde PVP. I think we’re all going to roll on Skeram. If you guys make any pvp alts let us know. Do you guys have a discord server or something set up?

Hey Fast! This is Lace that you remember :slight_smile: I play a druid on Alexstrasza name Lacei. We are planning on doing a guild on Pagle named “Agents of Change” if you are doing classic. Thanks for reaching out this made my day.

Lacylei, Lace, Lacei, Lacie from Tormented Souls, The Senate, Defiance & Agents of Change

Lots of familiar names here. I played a night elf hunter named Bloran. I think I was in the Fury Dawn for a while and then Channel 5 towards the end of Vanilla

Yo Darsh! Dathre here I remember playing with you and Zenvi back in classic for NBK. Good times man!

Hell yeah! Don’t be afraid to hit me up. I’ve made another dwarf hunter on a PVE realm but I think I’ll be maining an undead mage on Stalagg with some folks at a website I work at. I’ve been Horde longer than Alliance now. :sweat_smile:

Your name is one of the only names I remember from back in the classic days. I cant even remember my characters name, but we used to pvp/duel ALL THE TIME.

I was a human warrior (the first on the server with the Zul’Gurub raptor mount) and also got an “Untamed Blade” which I ran with for a while before naxx came out.

I barely remember anything more than that, but I spend years on this character on Alextraza before moving to horde - jaedenar with some friends. I changed my warriors name which is probably why I dont remember his origional name. But you, you I remember. I also had a human mage named Xerath.

You dont happen to remember my warriors name do you?!?

same lol. Mostly what i did all day before raids.

Yea i do think I remember you. I was the one that started Raid Leading when we got our first Rag kill.


I raided with NBK when you guys were first starting out! I remember it so clearly, you had an open slot when some people didn’t show up and I did my first raid as a level 58 Warrior in molten core with you guys! I saved up enough DKP to get the first Helm of Wrath off Onyxia and then spent the rest of my DKP on the Untamed Blade from our first boss kill in BWL - I was the one that kited the boss that had to be kited.

I cant remember my warriors name though!

Tristrim, If I’m correct we became friends while leveling around the same time. I was a human warrior but I cant remember his name. Either way I recognize you and just wanna say, HEY!

Hey everyone!

Does anyone remember being a part of a global chat we created for running WSG and AB with that one human paladin who got Grand Marshall (this is before cross-realm pvp was a thing). I would raid lead AB and do callouts for where people should go.

I played a human warrior whose name I cant remember, but I was the first one with the Zul’Gurub raptor mount at some point in time! Hit me up if you remember me (or remember my characters name)!

Hey, I reserved characters on myzrael. What about you?

Hey, I reserved characters on myzrael to play with Vampy and NBK. Where are you guys going to be playing?

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