Alexstrasza Alliance Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Alexstrasza (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

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[NBK] Vampyr - The day Alexstrasza opened, a bunch of us started new characters there. I played a Gnome Warlock, “Vampyre” (which eventually got shortened to “Vampyr," and after a server change, simply to “Vamps.”)

I was the first Warlock on Alextrasza to reach level 60, and the first to obtain a Dreadsteed. After that, I often helped other warlocks obtain their Dreadsteed (shareable mats). This, honestly, is my favorite memory of Vanilla – all those runs which resulted in happy warlocks getting their new mounts.

I was an officer in NBK, which was (at the time), the #3 guild on Alexstrasza, in terms of progression. We stood out because the top two guilds raided 5 nights per week, while NBK kept pace with them, only raiding 3 nights per week. We were a more laid-back, casual guild, but raiding was in our blood. NBK will be back in Classic, and I’d love to hear from any old NBK people who’d like to roll with us again, as well as any newcomers who’d like to hang out in a fun, casual guild.

EDIT: NBK’s home in classic will be the MYZRAEL server. Come join us!

EDIT: #2 My main (at least, initially) will be “Moonlit.” If you see Vamps or Moonlit on Myzrael (alliance), say hi.


Ramdorpser - Paladin - raided back in the day with Myst and Invictus a bit. Would be really interested to know if Ridamark, Mashed or…I can’t remember the other one sorry! Hyl…something…some other pally :slight_smile: I loved raiding with my pally bros! Definitely can’t commit to raiding 5-6 nights any more, but would love to reconnect!


wafflez the bloodelf protection paladin in fel nation

Athascaba, Gnome Mage! Looking for my old priest and other-mage friends! I don’t remember our guild name though… sorry guys, if you see this :slight_smile:

Dwarf Priest was named Bamson, and I used to visit with him and Wife
Human Mage was named Chewy, and we used to do AV for WAYYYY too long

Ulador, Night Elf Druid, I played under the Arisen Phoenix guild. Holla holla’

I had a human mage called Aaron that I played on this server maybe around 2006, I think. I recently logged into him several months ago and I was guild leader of a guild with a few other people that I don’t remember at all.

The guild I mostly stayed in during that period was an Alliance guild called Bloodlust, but which there was plenty of drama to deal with. I was always picked on, as far as I can recall, haha.

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Grisanthir, resto druid. Ironforge army–> Indivisible --> Veritas --> Invictus was my early guild progression from classic into BC


LOL the first post is from an Old NBK guildie, unbelievable, even though I’m sure you don’t remember me. I remember you! I still have my rogue Evelie, I played with you guys till a few days before the xpac when i took a break xD. Hope to see you in-game soon!

I played a dwarf hunter named Gleitren. I honestly don’t remember what guild I was in or any of the names of people I played with. I was like 14 when I played but the guild I was with was very fun. I remember one of my good friends being a british guy that played on our server :P…but I’m not sure that anyone will remember.

Toon name: Duracell
Race: Night Elf
Class: Rogue
Gear progression: full T2
Guild: Bloodlust
Notes: I was the founding Guild Master of Bloodlust. Bloodlust was the 3rd guild on the server to kill Onyxia. We had BWL on farm and were working on second or 3rd boss of AQ40 before TBC came out


I played a female holy priest (((( Fastandfatal ))))on Alexstraza. I would like to find the following
1/ Missn a female human paladin from the guild Tormented Souls on Alexstraza. He was hillarious i lost touch with him before battle tags were a thing. We played a lot together during BC/Wrath
2/ Lacey a female Nightelf holy priest from the guilds Tormented Souls and Defiant on Alexstraza. She basically taught me how to be a good healer and was amazing to raid with, she was also literally the kindest person you would ever meet.
3/ Kita a feral druid and his partner Kael a warlock from the guilds Ravens Nevermore on Alexstraza i was in their guild in BS as well as Wrath.

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Name: Braddoc
Race: Dwarf
Class: Warrior
Spec: Protection/Arms
Raid Advancement: Molten Core Cleared
Professions: Miner/Weaponsmith
Guild: Multiple
Friends: Nalia - NE Hunter and her brother Prot Pally

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Name: McBlackster (Same toon)
Former Guild: Arisen Phoenix
Human Warrior (Fury/Arms)

Fairly certain I was also in Brymstone Inquisition in addition to Arisen Phoenix but I can’t recall which came first.

Nelf warrior velmuth in brymstone inquitisition in vanilla


I’m fairly certain I remember you dude.

Did we have DJhealz Nard and Denlara in this guild?

yep we had all 3, DJhealz dwarf priest, Nard nelf warrior tank who was in love with that nelf priest named psyche. I dont quite remember denlara but i think that was a female nelf… hunter or rogue?

i was 13 year old kid that sounded like i was 20+


I think she was a rogue.

Also we had Lathe our MT …it’s all coming back.

Hey I was the GMS son from that guild. Though I didn’t really play all that much.

Name: Dotzftw
Former Guild: Unholy Demise and later Status Quo
Human Warlock (aff/destro)
I had some good friends i used to play with, another warlock named Darkkizer and a night elf hunter named Keeperofdead are the main people i remember. It has been a while and my memory is kind of hazy.