Alexstrasza Alliance Reconnections

Lmao I remember looking at Nard and Psyche going nuts in Shattrath bank steps xD

Character Name: Bulkar NE Warrior, Rindo NE Hunter, Vroan/Voland Human Paladin, Drakis NE rogue and whatever else my little mind can’t remember.
Guild: Honestly in Vanilla I don’t remember what guild I was in but usually I was with Dacron wherever he went. Invictus, Scions of Eternity, Lords of Alexstrasza, w/e I can’t remember.
People I remember: Nard, Velmuth, Psyche, Dacron, Zort, Merlin, Ridamark, Mashed, Tuchofdeath, Pipsi, Junglebabe and others that might spark a bulb.

Crobik -

Guilds: Initially Murder of Crows until they merged into Arisen Phoenix.

I remember Duress, YT, Zira, Caesar, Moisticus, Zenagain, Chronor, Icearcher, psyanara.

I will be playing a horde warrior (Windseeker) on Mankrik.

any old guildies planning on playing?

I think I recall your name Enzomatrix…I believe I may have been in that guild where everyone left. I was a mage called Kizmet. I may be wrong, if I am, so sorry.

Kizmet - female mage
Don’t remember the name of any of the guilds

Yup, we did quiet a bit of PVP with Milabar.

Micestert was my gnome warlock, and again going to reserve that name. The guild I primarily played in was Alliance of Truth and Arisen Phoenix (pretty sure we merged at some point but don’t recall). Guild kind of fell apart after we attempted a guild server swap. I’ll be playing my lock on Atiesh, feel free to add me as a BNET friend and we can run some dungeons together sometime, classic or live, don’t matter to me! Bnet id: v1337pringle#1368

Dwarf Priest

I don’t know if you remember me, but I really remember Patron and that guild. I raided with them and helped organize the healing groups for Vael fight in BWL.

I was friends with Worldwidekid as well, lots of memories in that guild haha

Terik - hunter main
Melyncia - shaman alt turned main after TBC.

Raided in Wizards Council through TBC end.

Transferred off Alex to Fizzcrank with a bunch of people at one point for Wotlk to raid in Animosity there if that strikes anyone’s memory.

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We found him!

Did you guys find sweetthang too

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never heard of her

We did, so where’s Streik?

Thats what i want to know…

YES Whisperglade. Awe. The memories. I miss her too. <333

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Hey Bewbette et al! haha

Right now support is a little low but I think a few of us are rolling horde on Mankrik if you want to join. Spread the word!


I ran with that guild back in Vanilla. I remember Nike being a beast of a tank. I played a dwarf paladin named Thunda. Raided through MC, some of BWL, and AQ20 before leaving the guild. Itsnotbutter sounds familiar but I’m the same as you… only really remember Nike and Fathercoffee. I’ll play some classic but will be a lot more casual now due to being an adult now and not having the time to commit.

Characters: Sacren, Grimsun, Satran
Guilds I remember: Spawn More Overlords (SMO), Critz, Ravens Nevermore, few others.
Looking for: My guild leader, the man the myth the Legend Rawr (rawrlerie). Or any of the friends from the SMO and Ravens days. Don’t know if I want to join up. But it would be nice to chat again :).

Deenn used to be a dwarf pally. Played with a small guild called murder of crows, and a handful of other people. Anyone out there?

Hey Crobik, I was in MoC as well for a bit i think i remember running some ZG with you.

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