I made two Characters on Pagle, 1 on Westfall. Just in case Pagle is insanely busy and such. Morphintime, Magilicious on Pagle, Splitshift on Westfall. Not creative names I know but was rushed to get something in ><. Hopefully we’ll run into each other.
I never got into old ESO. I heard it’s been much better last few years. Good on you for supporting them. If I hadn’t been in and out of WowRetail I may had given ESO another look. Ah well… time to come home for retirement.
Westfall for me, though I set up everywhere now that the limit has been lifted. I’m just looking to not sit in queues forever. Worse comes to worse, the computers I have nowadays can alt-tab between WoW and ESO. Can’t do Classic and Retail though lol. Just found out the hard way the other day that it counts as “your account logging in from somewhere else” if you try to do that.
Hey NBK friends! This is crazy to talk with all of you again. I’d love to come back and play with you guys if you’ll have me? I hope you remember me too…
BellaLuna - Female Druid - The chic that probably never stopped talking in raids.
Hello there! Looking for people that I played with on Alex. I started playing the day of release <3
I was a nightelf Priest - Madelyn, nightelf hunter - LightUrple and a human mage - Kellydot. I was gm of the short lived guild Adorable Kittens
I was in several guilds. Zeal and the other one that Trixie was gm. Can’t remember the name!
Hit me up kellydot#1505
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I actually do remember you! I was kinda lost in the shuffle as a Hunter and one that started raiding at 58 in molten core with NBK lol. I was Dathre at the time. Still have the same character just changed names and servers.
Yay Dathre! - You weren’t lost, you still hung out a bunch on vent. You used to call me Star because of my very short lived 1st toon.
Holy crap - hey dude It’s Kelbarrett. Kita and I are still together, though he doesn’t play wow anymore. We are grouping with some friends from Vanilla/TBC on Skeram! Come join us - i’ll be on Kelbarrett …look for Caerlic or me!
Hey there Shadownova! I don’t remember there ever being a GM Paladin on Alex. Pre transfer days at the least. Lots of Warriors though.
I remember you and Elgwin
I played a warlock - Archaea in Invictus and Veritas.
Haha I remember that! I was only like 14 when I first started playing so Vanilla is a bit fuzzy at times for me. Im rolling horde on Grobbulus with some IRL friends but im also going to play Ally on Fairbanks with a few people as an alt.
We are playing Horde on Stalagg.
OMG, the legend herself!!! We all remember you for sure. I also remember “you Druids” mastered the DKP usage among yourself…lol! Good to hear from you!
HAHA I love it! Good to hear from you as well.
Bella…wow. Talk to Fade still? Does he still hate me? =P
Hey Dathre, i remember you very well. One of the loyal Hunters! Hows it going?
Hey Darsh! Now you’re a total blast from the past. How are things with you?
Oh Fade. Well, I do talk to him…
Every day, since we’re happily married. LOL Who knew NBK could be a guild and matchmaker?
Haha wow…that’s pretty insane. Grats to you guys. Happy for you both!
I could be one of the first to tell you how NBK can also NOT be a matchmaker. But you guys already know all my stories. Zort reminds me of them all the time =X
Good man! Been playing WoW on and off still. Just got back into Classic rolling what else but a hunter haha. Horde this time though couldn’t get IRL friends to budge to Alliance
Hey mate. I played with you in Logical during Cata. I was Tofuu (Human Fire Mage). I was Heartsky’s friend.
Kel! Did I read that right that Caerlic is coming back? I remember playing with that guy and you all.
Also during Vanilla I was a Shademan(Nightelf Rogue) Undeadman(Human Lock). I was in Karpathian Knights till the day I disbanded it as an officer or GM.