Randolph - Mage - Redemption, Invictus, Veritas
Already found so many people I remember.
Playing on Horde - Atiesh this time around.
Randolph - Mage - Redemption, Invictus, Veritas
Already found so many people I remember.
Playing on Horde - Atiesh this time around.
Adamm - Paladin - Karpathian Knights, Zeal, Deception & Veritas
I’ve seen a few names on here that I remember or recognize, would be cool to see who all is around playing classic.
Still haven’t decided if I want to play horde or alliance.
Night Elf Hunter
This was so long ago I really dont remember too much. I was in a guild and was allowed to raid Onyxia, MC, and BWL but i remember we cleared BWL near the end of classic. The only person i really remember from my guild was another Night Elf Hunter whos name was Darsh. Fun times for sure
Holific. Been around since dirt was made in WOW.
You sound like someone i raided with lol remember the name tristrim dwarf hunter?
Hey! Holy crap thats right lol you know what realm you are playing on?
Goodman, now Goodmane - same character, but it’s fun having a name that’s slightly less generic. Once upon a time I wandered over from Morrowind and Neverwinter Nights and had no clue about MMOs. Goofed around on Alexstrasza because the system recommended the server for new players.
Explored the huge world but never played anything all that meta for the raiding scene. Eventually joined a small guild called The Blue Guardians in the heydays of BC, Kara, and Zul-Aman. Wound up eventually becoming an altaholic on Stormrage until the huge server queues convinced me to move back to something smaller.
Been playing other MMOs since early Legion but thinking of trying to make a Classic Shockadin just for old times’ sake.
Main was Shadowfall, Nelf rogue. Originally in Arisen Phoenix, also former member of NBK.
The History of Bloodlust…
When I made my toon on alexstrasza I was invited to a guild (can’t recall name) by a dwarf rogue named blackthorn. Blackthorn was from a raiding guild on an older server and had hopes of starting over on our new server and becoming the top raiding guild. I was a noob but was very helpful towards the other guild members so he made me an officer.
Blackthorn hit lvl 60 before all of us and seemed to be dissatisfied with the rate that the rest of us were going. not long after he hit 60 he basically gave up on us and just stopped playing our server and abandoned us without a word, soon after myself and a few others started to hit 60
I realized that I became the only remaining officer and started to think the guild was a lost cause and was getting ready to tell everyone to leave the guild and go off to find others, before I could do this I was approached by Cassy a dwarf priest. She said she thought I would make a good guild master and my lack of knowledge would not be a problem because she came from a hardcore raiding guild and knew how to do all the fights and how a guild should run.
At this point it was clear that we needed to all leave the guild and found a new one because being an officer I had my hands tied behind my back. We had some name suggestions thrown out and than voted on a name, Bloodlust was the winner and so bloodlust was founded with me as the GM and Cassy as first officer, I think there were about 13 of us and the only person I know for sure that was a part of this was Midnight.
We start to grow a bit as a guild and we gained our second officer Eversi. Eversi had a background similar to Cassy in that they had left hard core raiding guilds and come to this server to start again for a new experience, between the two of them they decided that we should be a “casual raiding guild” an oxymoron that would cause us some drama later on. Eversi would also come to serve as our 1st raid leader.
Our first raid was ZG it was a collaboration with another guild, 10 of our guys and 10 of there’s the other guild lead the raid. I don’t think we killed many bosses but I recall winning a roll and brought home our guilds first raid loot it was some blue item. Next week we had our first all guild ZG run with better success than the first one.
Once we got our numbers up it was time to try our hand at MC. On our first run we were able to get the first boss down but the thing I recall most was the paladin who showed up with every flask and potion buff even if they were not relevant to him an enormous amount of gold spent on almost two rows of buffs
we start making progress through the core but drama starts to hit us. We adopted a new raid leader i’m not sure but it might have been this rougegain person you are talking about, I know he was an Arab and kind of arrogant. I was warned about him by other guilds he was in before ours. They said he was trouble and would disrupt and try to take over the guild. He lead one and some people took a liking to him making remarks such as “he has the patience to lead us through BWL”. Others thought he was a snake in the grass and only acting like mr perfect now but later his true nature would come out. On his second raid right on the first pull, he tells Eversi that his warrior had a lot of built up rage and sure enough behind the keyboard Eversi did have a lot of rage and screamed out “I know how to play my f@#king toon!”. Eversi said the built up rage would let him put a bunch of sunders on quickly if he started to lose aggro. Eversi left the guild and after the raid I chose to stay loyal to Eversi and kicked Rougegain out and got Eversi back in the guild.
Bloodlust gets set backwards when 10 of our main raiding members leave the guild and it seems like our raiding days could be over.
Somehow we rebuild and make our way back into the core and one day Sumeza comes, his first raid he was in all blues and topped the dps meter. We were all impressed with him and asked him if he could do some tanking and he replied that he will be the main tank or he will not tank at all, so we made him MT
Sumeza was not a social person by any stretch of the word and did not really want to have to speak publicly if he could avoid it so he made a deal with me that he would lead the raid but anything else that involved addressing the guild and its members would be handled by me. So now Sumeza is our raid leader, main tank and officer of the guild and with him we really started to flourish.
Drama strikes us again because of our “casual” approach. We were getting our act together and working through BWL when some members and officers had philosophical differences one side wanted to do whatever was best for raid progression while the other side wanted to keep to our roots and not make thing too serious and I think this topic is best embodied in the example of a player we had named Jinxi. Jinxi never missed a raid had tons of dkp and was good at farming consumables and buff foods and stuff. Because of this she was our most geared player but for some reason she was the worst dps in the raid and no matter how the other mages would try and help her, her dps would not improve, and this lead to the discussion of should Jinxi be allowed to take anymore loot. At this point we were a strong guild and this drama had no major affect on us but isshues like these and certain “clicks” started to form.
All in all when TBS came out we were a strong guild that was still progressing at our peak our roster had over 260 members but around the same time the expansion came out I had a major life change and could no longer game like before and the guild dissolved but eversi did start a guild called Elysium on another server with a bunch of bloodlust members
At first it seemed like I had forgotten everyone’s name but now that I have looked here and on Vanilla Friends it started to ring some bells so here is a list of names of people I can recall
Sorry about all the names I’ve forgotten, I’m sure if I seen your names again that there is a good chance it will look familiar and ring a bell
Evelie. Sazzon. I talked to Flanagin, and we do remember you, although I’ll admit anything from that era is a bit fuzzy (for us both). lol. Come join us on the MYZRAEL server! We’ll both be there.
oh hey we played in brymstone inquitisition together
you had a gf or wife idr warlock named elwyn or elvyn or something like that
This is the same character i raided with and i was like 13 or 14 at the time lul
holy shiet! it’s me, aaron! hahaha, that wasn’t my real name. i can’t believe you remembered me. I remember nothing from that time playing back then, except for a few things. I don’t remember any names, to be honest.
whats the best way to contact you duracell?
Worldwidekid here, just kidding, just me Hiko.
Played with a lot of names raiding and PvP.
Looking forward to seeing some familiar faces.
Hahah dang dude I remember worldwidekid
Guess who’s this
rid you sob, are you coming back
I played a Human prot/arms Warrior i actually still have till this day
Name: ArmyFreak
Guild: i cant remember the name
I normally ran with a friends mage Donz and another warrior Sabber
i remember Giestwald Who was a rogue (might have misspelled his name)
I was a female night elf druid named Therwina. I was in the guilds Pantheon and Idiocracy. I switched to a draenei shaman named Snigglepuss when BC came out.