sheval. i think the guild was XVain glory. healer, did a lot of pug.
I think i started out on Alexstrasza, my characters I played then were
Itsnotbutter- Nelf hunter
Dagenn- Human priest
Gnomercy- Gnome mage
Galaranis- Nelf druid
The only names I can really remember was Fathercoffee(guild leader priest) and Nike(main tank); we cleared MC, AQ20, and the first half of BWL.
I was Enchantix, a night elf hunter, and I mostly goofed off with a small group! I think our old guild was Chains of Azeroth, but before that, I played with Parraan, Passara, and Sabeta!
Character: Lancalot, dwarf warrior.
Guild: Bloodlust, I also raided with invictus in bc for a short amount of time
Everyone I don’t remember lots of names!
Guild: Bloodlust
Female Human Warlock
Pretty much the same character here, played from Vanilla to Wrath, took a long break, but still play.
I was in Bloodlust as well, although I do not remember any names.
Ha. I was in NBK at the founding on Alexstraza. Saazon. This is the same character
I thought Rougegain was the GM of Bloodlust
What was your name?
edit: my character’s name was Aaron but my real name is André. It was such a long time ago, I can hardly remember anything. I do remember being allowed to go in for a raid. It was Onyxia. Some person actually traded me and I had to show I had brought reagents to the raid, can’t remember what it was. All of this in order to actually be allowed inside the raid, haha. We killed Onyxia and I was given the Netherwind helm for my mage. I think he’s still wearing it to this day. Haven’t played him since because my cousin now plays on that account.
My brother played a Druid names mesiris or meseris.
I also later transferred to terokkar/alexstraza in Cata I think. I played a dwarf hunter named Keon and a Druid named Allar. Let me know if you remember me!
Also someone please tell me if jub (short for jubilation I believe, she was a Draenei priest) is still around.
Machiaveli (Machii) - Gnome Warrior - GM of Soldiers of Wrath (Originally rolled horde on Aegwynn)
Looking for any old SoW members who want to connect and roll in classic.
- Mach
Hey fellow Alexstraza peoples!
Tristrim, dwarf hunter had a pet bat named fluffy. I forget the guilds i was in but i remember our main tank name started with a K or something?
We use to run thorium routes in ungoro and he helped pay some of my mount. I was a blacksmith miner who loved running the MC attunement runs.
We eneded up clearing MC , then BWL first boss with 23 ppl on our last raid night before BC dropped and i got the dragonstalker helm lol none of us wanted to give up on him lol
I was also one of the few on the server with the epic bow/quiver/staff combo! Also was able to get the swift zulian tiger lol so many good memories!
Hope to connect with other fellow guildies, i might have one or two on bnet still lol
Happy hunting!
Started playing Alliance 2004. EnzoMatrix was my main, at that time, and the only toon I played. For the life of me I cannot remember the names of the Guilds I played with, there were several. There was one Guild I, like, everyone left the game and I stayed in the Guild… for years. Later I left and started Legion of Dragon Slayers with a very good friend, Foxes.
Hope I can run into some of the players from Vanilla.
Still play EnzoMatrix, from time to time.
Started playing Alliance 2004. EnzoMatrix was my main, at that time, and the only toon I played. For the life of me I cannot remember the names of the Guilds I played with, there were several. There was one Guild I, like, everyone left the game and I stayed in the Guild… for years. Later I left and started Legion of Dragon Slayers with a very good friend, Foxes.
Hope I can run into some of the players from Vanilla.
Haiiiii!!! Hows it going sir???
I played a couple things during this time, i can’t remember any guild name but i do have one friend that played a night elf hunter named Huntalord.
I played a Night Elf hunter named Dasminn, and a Human Pally named Junglebabe. Let me know if anyone remembers me!
Character: Craige Human Paladin
Guild: Critz
Anyone from Critz looking to join back up!
Dacron - Alliance Feral Druid
Valorous and Wizards Council