Alexstrasza Alliance Reconnections

Who?! Are?! You?!

Its been a while. Hope you’ve been well. I’ll be rolling on Atiesh-Horde as well. Maybe I’ll see you in game.

Tristram! Your MT was Dragul and your OT was Enano. That Tauren up there in my avatar is that lil dwarf, I just faction-changed him in Cata.


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Hiko!! And WWK, WOOOOOW. I forgot all about him.

Hey Mach. I was part of SoW late in vanilla through Wrath. I had a NE Priest named Aeryal and a NE Druid named Dazir in the guild. I’m reserving some toons on Pagle. Let me know where you end up.

Newport - Dwarf fury Warrior used to raid lead a guild that was patron’s until his downfall. Looking for heysteve, tristfall, and worldwidekid! also beville

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Hey Daz! I remember you very well. I am still connecting with a few old SoW members to see where they want to end up but tentatively we are looking at Herod if we want to roll PvP or Mankrik if we decide to go the PvE server route. Now that most of us are older and have limited time, I am thinking that a lot of people won’t want the hassles that come with a PvP server. haha

Holy batman! Dragul! He helped me get my lvl 40 mount by showing me the ungoro throium runs! Fury Dawn! I miss all those peeps. You coming back , if so what server?

Had to change my icon to match my character I played back then. He still exsists and still has the Bow :smiley: Maybe we can Catch up Tipper/Enano, would love to see where people are going. Ill be on Harod with a guild that is starting back up just for classic.

i think we played in peacekeepers together with milabar

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I created a toon on WoW as a joke bc my best friend and her then-fiance were addicted. and then i went into my 8 hours a day phase. my friends were also horde players and…ugh. I created my character pretty late into vanilla (I was only 57 when BC dropped), but i can still claim vanilla status!

My toon was named Deannaqyn, and she was the best priest EVAR (i think we got as far as having Gruul on farm and like never got to Kael’Thas in TK).

Anyway, she was part of Dragon Army, Son Of A Lich, Tormented Souls, and Identity Crisis.

Some toons i remember are Axes (hunter), Holylovin (priest), Thoradin and Cyloria (Cyl transferred to a world-top 5 guild on a different server).

There was a Night Elf Warrior named Rutrick.
Shaman (i know i know) named Nesia.
Druid named Aksana (who doesnt’ play anymore but hey maybe i can get her to hit me up).

I was also friends with Woogums of all priests. I would love to connect with members of idio and trib (if any of you still exist), since i’m not half bad at this game anymore.

OH MY GOD I JUST SAW WWK on this thread.

Deathound - Night Elf Hunter, raided with Zeal

Toon Name: Calanstina
Race: Human
Class: Holy Paladin
Guild: Pointy Stick Tech, and Lords of Alexstrasza

velmuth u ded

Oh snap! It’s Aelanae/Morlaeth here. Hi guys!

If you’d like to connect on BNET = Gerhart#11751

I was Aelanae/Morlaeth the original GM of on Alexstrasza. I played a priest.

Anyone going to be playing on Herod Horde come classic?

Can message me on bnet Gerhart#11751 if you’d like to reconnect!

Lot’s of memories!!

Trixie, GM of Zeal. Will be playing for sure, most likely Alliance as i haven’t played alliance in many years. Wouldn’t mind getting the band back together. Or at least doing some legit raiding again, been too long.

Hit me up on battlenet Gundaer#1953

Where is Er - I stole his name on another realm.

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WWK was a bigdeal

Streikender here

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