Alchemy outfit NEEDS HELP!

To begin with, the profession outfits are fun and cool and I love most of them! Such a neat and immersive thing to add to the game and I think it’s great!

But that being said… the Alchemy one needs a bit of help.

First, the hat. Odd, not sure why I have a witch hat with a leaf, but okay. It’s fine.

The goggles. Odd, I’m not an engineer, but sure. It’s fine.

The smock. Needs some HD vials on it, not flat painted on ones.

… then there’s the last bit. The stick.

Why am I carrying around a stick? I’m not an enchanter. I’m not beating someone up. I’m not a witch, I don’t mix cauldrons all day long. As a matter of fact, your own alchemy table proves that:

So you wanna tell me why I’m carrying around a big stick? Am I supposed to beat the begeezus out of my glass beakers and vials to create potions and flasks?

Can I please have a vial or that mortar and pestal in my hands or something, anything other than a big wooden stick with a nonensical glass jar at the end?

I mean… what even is this… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

This is what most alchemists look like in fantasy:

So can we get some tweaks to this outfit to have it make a bit more sense? Thanks!


We mix chemical. Eye protection, gawd. Protect your peepers


Only thing i can think of for the stick is Xmutes, beyond that, totally agree, get rid of it Blizz!

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Yeah, I get that. Which is why I’m fine with the goggles. I just think that smock needs some HD vials on it— more of them would be nice, too— and that stick needs to go. lol


Just please don’t make me wear a hat that deletes my hair


Safety goggles are a must when dealing with potentially dangerous chemicals. I’m reporting you to OSHA for dismissing this safety precaution.


Oh dear… that outfit is horrendous. I get what they’re trying to go for, but come on now. Like Blizzard here has the right idea, but the way they’re implementing it could be applied better here. Alchemists, in my opinion, are supposed to be mysterious crazy looking, and busy.


The stick is for when you accidentally alchemize a horrible miscreation and need to beat it to death to put it out of its misery.

It’s an important tool of the trade.


Why why are they green?! Shouldn’t I be able to see what colors I’m mixing so things don’t explode? lol


I wish hats showed hair because whenever I wear hats in this game, I feel bald. I feel like I look like Dr. Phil or Mr. Clean sometimes.


Okay, I laughed so hard at this! :rofl::two_hearts:


a very bad Halloween costume

I agree 100%
I’m glad they’re trying but this is…


Glad to see they are still going with cloth robes being painted on.


Glass rod. Like real chemists use to stir with.

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my kingdom for robes with 3D assets like most modern plate armor

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You know what … that actually makes sense.


It’s a funny way to think about it, but I still don’t want a wooden stick. That’s so not an alchemist outfit. lol

These are clearly

made by someone other than a goblin. Have you really been trusting GOBLIN safety equipment all his time? These OSHA violations are going to stack up.


Oh DANG ,are we going to create something interesting that we could that would terrorize the whole island?

Awww, maaaaan! Just when I got my lab back up and running!