The new crafting sets are still WIP, right? RIGHT!?

I’m looking at all the 2d dresses with details painted on them like this is still 2005 and becoming slightly concerned.

Please tell me that the potions on the alchemist set will get a 3d aspect?

Possibly make the dress into an apron?

Reevaluate the details on the tailor set? Maybe add a measuring tape across the shoulders? Add pins to the player character’s lip?


Yep, this is what I’m talking about, too! Alchemy needs a couple things fixed.


The stick needs to be thicker so when it is used to wack the apprentices to keep them in line, they can feel it.



Lol pretty much. xD

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This expansion is being done “on the cheap”
Drac’thyr Evoker

  • 1 race only
  • male & female combined into one model
  • reused skeleton for expansion race instead of new
  • existing armor not fitted to the drac’thyr when worgen exist showing that its clearly possible to do so
  • designating only female human and male blood elf for visage forms .

All of those decisions were made soley from a cost to produce direction and you want 3d assets on your 18 year old robe designs?



I do think the profession outfits or whatever they are called pale in comparison to say, FFXIV’s version of this.

I don’t see this as cutting corners. I see this as isolating, and going in on a very specific theme. You have to admit - it would be harder for them to stick to, and deliver a rich Dragon fantasy as a Dwarf or Orc.

Lazy would be no new race / class, period.

I see that as working smart, not hard.
Why would you want them to waste time making a new skeleton when they have perfectly good ones to utilize?

These sets are entirely optional. Nobody asked for these sets. Nobody expected profession sets.

Your line of thinking is purely negative.

I dunno, so maybe when I see a Drac’thyr I actually see a drac’thyr and not a female worgan?
It must have really disapointed you when every single other expansion race ever released had its own, unique skeleton. Pandaren, Kul’tiran and Zandalari … all would be better according to you if they had only re-used the undead and night elf rigs.

If you look at Dracyhyr and think “pfft, that’s just a female Worgen” then that’s a you issue. You’re looking at everything so cynically and pessimistically.

You’re stretching what I said to fit a false argument I never even made.
I never said Dracthyr are better because it’s an existing skeleton, I said that just because it is an existing skeleton doesn’t make it bad. They came up with a concept, and found a skeleton to match. Where’s the harm in that?

When you’ve sank to the levels of criticizing model skeletons you’re just digging for stuff to complain about.

And I’ll reiterate the point that you glossed over.
Lazy would be no new race or class.

I never use the term lazy, i use the term cheap. There is no such thing as lazy developement as the employee does what they are paid to do.
You seem to have confused me with someone else.

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You don’t have to literally say something to convey it.

Are you really going to sit here and say that combined, the following messages:

Is not you conveying the message that Blizzard are cutting corners? doing minimal effort? being lazy?

Please. The one thing that drives me insane on these forums is when people dance around terminology because they’re afraid to take a stance.

OOooh nonono sir, I didn’t say you couldn’t cook.
I just said your food was inedible and you don’t belong in a kitchen.

Like, stop wasting my time, stop wasting your time.

No, im conveying it was done as cheaply as possible. I literally say that in the first line you quoted:

Had the employees been paid to do the work, they would have done the work or found a new place of employment.
In a few years you’ll experience that employees dont get to decide how much or little work they do. Which is exactly why “lazy” is the incorrect term.
You, not cleaning your room is lazy. Deciding to make a player character race not need male / female models when every other player character race has them is being cheap. The excuse that lizard male/females look the same in the real world is bogus when dogs/wolves also look the same (worgen) yet have male and female models in game, as do pandaren and tauren.

I can’t believe we’re still getting the robes from vanilla lmao

So flat. So lifeless.

And then you see Calia/Jaina/Khadgar flexing on us with their not paper thin robes.

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yes, everything we have now is data-mined, so quite literally WIP

Exactly. It reminds me of the 2d map or scroll on the Explorer’s set.

C’mon Blizz, you’re better than this.

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The leatherworking also looks plain… you’d imagine they’d be able to put some creativity to it and put in more elements, 3d bits and bobs to make it pop. :man_shrugging:

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