Alchemy outfit NEEDS HELP!

Its not deleted. Like all hat wearers you stuff it inside the hat as you pit it on.

Everyone knows that… what… just me?

I mean they probably added the wizard hat due to wizard alchemists. But honestly yeah I agree still I am happy we have another wizard hat.

My main complaint with the set is the flat textured flasks on the chest… Really tired of the flat textures, it’s 2022 come on blizz.

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Alchemy got hit with the clothie curse → 98% of your chestpieces will be low effort skintight dresses.

I mean, I don’t really know what it is, but it does make me glad I wasn’t seriously considering Alchemy for a primary profession on any of my main candidates for Dragonflight.

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Yeah I dont like that either. I mean whitemane and her copy from Argent tournement are the only 2 character that come to mind who has hair with an hat. And i find it dumb it does delete hair on us

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That’s your personal genie in a bottle who grants you audience to hear your three wishes on how to improve the look of the alchemist!!

…the genie ain’t too motivated and won’t act on them, but will grant you audience to hear the three regardless. :worried:


If not goggles (because that would intrude on engineering or something) what about a domino mask? And a sickle instead of the stick.

As a Rogue Alchemist…

No sir, I don’t like it.

As an alchemist, I think we just need to be holding vials and beakers or a mortar and pestle or something.

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This is my biggest issue. If I’m forced to wear that… I’m going to stop alchemy that I’ve had since Vanilla.

Oh my good that is so unbelievably ugly.

Unfortunately, it’s not going to chance. This will go live.

It’s just a leather apron with pictures of bottles on it :rofl: They are just 2 dimensional images slapped onto the skin. It’s not even 3d at all, it’s completely flat

Holy god who thought of this lol

I think the Outfit looks epic like a Wizard Outfit. I mean nothing wrong with it.

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Yeah except for the fact that it’s terrible I guess you’re right sure.

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Putres was the perfect alchemy model IMO..


It’s an option if Blizzard objects to the mortar and pestle for some reason.

Omg that is so hideous like how are they shipping that?


I hope not. :frowning:

Alchemists aren’t wizards.

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The robes to flat but, the hat with goggles for eye protection makes sense and the rod is a stirring stick, usually depicted on witches sturring cauldrons of brew, even has the potion residue on the end.

For a fantasy potion maker its fine, id drop the robe for a belt with herb pouches and vials since theyve already made a few of those so itd be nice and 3D but that might overlap with the herbalism gear if they’re trying to make them all seperate.

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I thought Alchemists were.

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