Since I can’t find the bug report in game anymore (why do we need to dig through layers of support “help” to get to it? if it even still exists?) came here to say it’s still broken for me too, debuffed yesterday for 4hr, checked last night after it fell off and still couldn’t experiment, still can’t today after maintenance.
I also have it.
not crazy, but getting there. they gotta fix this… what happened to this huge team they had? kinda sad…
Any Blue care to comment on why this isn’t fixed yet? Kind of a big deal to have this disabled this long…
For the record I never saw the logout/log in breaking the cooldown timer bug. What I did see was 5 experimentation failures back to back to back… very uncool.
What bug? There was a potion in a heart shaped vial that reset it. But that’s what the tool tip said it would d and they were drops from somewhere.
Apparently you could log out and log back in after a failure and the cooldown went away. I can’t confirm if there was anything else needed to reset it but it definitely happened to me unintentionally when I was hopping to alts for various reasons.
The Ol’ trusted client mistake.
They should have just reduced the experiment success proc rate and got rid of the 4 hour cooldown completely. Win win for developers and alchemists.
Still down. Thought it may be a daily reset, but now that I’m reading this, apparently not so. Let’s fix this, c’mon. Also, has anyone else not received the 3 pts credit for Elixir Experiment - Quest - World of Warcraft ( ? I did it, clicked the notes, and still same level.
Think that’s three specialty points not skill points.
Ah you are correct. Thank you!
Hey devs, I’m just a simple person who wants to level alchemy. I thought this might be fixed by today’s reset, apparently it still isn’t working. I’ve been farming so many herbs and so many things to be able to level up my alchemy and to make better quality recipes. The only way to do this is by the thing you disabled, so I have a proposition. Please make it so the other things I can create can level up my alchemy.
This is pretty major because I have spent a lot of time investing into alchemy and leveling up the profession just to be there for when people need phials and potions for high end raiding and mythic plus. This just feels like a big slap for the people who aren’t trying to exploit the system with the reset timer.
If there would be someone to give a general timeline on when things will be available again, I would appreciate it.
I agree, every alchemist is failing behind the curve on their profession skill and specialization. This will impact:
- the amount of gold you make
- the prices of herbs
- other professions that rely on alchemy mats
I am still trying to process the implications, but people who did abuse the client side 4 hour cooldown clear have higher skill levels and access to more recipes, and most important >>> less competition so they are making a HUGE amount of gold now.
I completely agree with the economic factors. what if people are just selling mats for now seeing as though we aren’t sure when it will come back up. thankfully I was very diligent with my gathering and leveling efforts since launch, but this is crazy.
I’m guessing for everyone it’s best to just hold onto mats until it’s back live again. it makes the most sense to me that is.
I also have this bug. No indication of what’s preventing me from doing the experiments.
Push the button > nothing happens. Exact same thing as others above. Please send help.
It’s really frustrating being blocked from one of the most important professions a week and a half before the raid launch.
Come on Blizz, the silence isn’t helping
Its funny because the mats economy for Alch is crashing hard on Moon Guard. There are also a lot more 3 star potions available for obscene amounts of gold while the mats to make that potion have fell to a quarter of their value for some reason (the combination herb alchemists make). I think I stayed pretty on top of my alch (granted poor rng and I blow myself up consistently), and I’m only 85 in alch. This being turned off for this long is a massive delay.
Potions are skyrocketing while mats are dropping because of the research being turned off. People need potions but a small number of people control the market because most people can’t access production.
Ahhhh I’m not alone with this problem! I thought I was sleep deprived and crazy… apparently just sleep deprived lol