Aimed shot

It was sickening to watch this hunter explain his one shot burst from stealth

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Looks…fine? That’s a 45s + legendary, 60s and 120s CD. Might want to press a defensive or two.

so stacking cooldowns make it acceptable? come on bro!

the point here, people don’t realize that the garbage hunter has used all the stacking before the first aimed shot hits them and it is already too late by then.

Ya if you don’t realize this you probably shouldn’t be calling anyone garbage

The guy isn’t playing craven, doing this burst once every minute (realistically once every 2 minutes where trueshot makes the aimed shot faster), and you still have a clear window of when it’s going to happen and who is the kill target (since the explosive shot tells you exactly who will take damage).

By all means make double tap break camo but how do people not prepare for this at this point

There’s a reason every hunter is Venthyr at high MMR regardless of spec

Next patch maybe things are different with double leggo but having a covenant that’s only useful with its legendary that competes with one of your strongest legendaries by far is terrible rn

Dnno I think it’s dumb that it’s super all or nothing where it punishes bad players and near useless vs competent ones but at the same time I can’t think of any class that just will truly struggle vs MM hunters trying to play all in builds over Venthyr


no . it’s arena forums logic. like a horrible smell eventually you sort of get used to it …

Welcome to Shadowlands, where every single class stacks their CDs and gets to one shot if their opponent doesn’t use any defensives.

I feel like you would know a thing or two about this…

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dated you’re sister once j/k just a joke :rofl:

Edited twice :ballot_box_with_check:

still wrong :ballot_box_with_check:
dozer :ballot_box_with_check:


how do you deal with mm as (frost) mage? without relying on partners

Shimmer max range (or blink through him), trade block or alter

Since you’re necro you can actually get away with altering in their opener and surviving

Or just being ready to double blink away if necessary too. They don’t have sustained just that one window, and the following windows besides the opener are a lot easier for you to deal with


b-b-b-but now there’s no bad classes now! Surely that’s not a coincidence that for blizzard to have “no bad classes” everyone has to 1 shot

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If everything is overpowered then nothing is overpowered. That’s what some have been conditioned to believe at this point


Is anyone else watching Absterge or Jellybeans streams right now? just bop + blessing of summer while jelly is still in stealth and 100-0 a target in less than a second probably 8/10 games

Deletion when
Vesper, too



im not gonna be one of those people who are like “Well you can just line of sight it, you can just interrupt it, you can just pop a major defensive cooldown, its fine its balanced its blah blah blah blah blah”

im gonna be a smart person and say the very controversial opinion that things like vesper totem just shouldnt exist.

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Like, I’ve only queued into it something like 4 times, and won all of those games, but having a totem swapped to my location and taking 25-40k damage (after using bigly defensives) seems like one of those little interactions that’d get hotfixed out, like the necrolord thing where prots were dinging people from 80% health.

Maybe if it starts popping up more.

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that’s disgusting. do you have a clip of this ?

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Next patch maybe things are different with double leggo but having a covenant that’s only useful with its legendary that competes with one of your strongest legendaries by far is terrible rn

Yeah I agree. How has Craven escaped the nerfbat? It needs to be less punishing to DOT classes. It needs a cooldown increase or redesign. Especially with double legendries that will be in play. 2 seasons of arena has taught us that Craven is not the way to address hunter defensives. Change craven’s and fix hunter survivability in another way.

Exhil no longer has a cooldown and costs 60 focus. Boom eeeeeez blizzard style fix.