Aimed shot

hey I know there’s a lot of internal stuff goin on down at Blizzard HQ, with most of the main devs leaving, people getting laid off, the investigation situation etc. but…

if there is anyone, I repeat anyone out there that has a brain and still loves this game, all I ask is for someone to nerf aimed shot by like 5%.

my soul hurts <:)


with all the modifiers, 5% wouldn’t be noticeable.


What? You don’t like getting perma-slowed by some ape who chunks off 40% of your HP every 3 seconds without needing to use CDs?


While sprinting half the battle and not being able to be slowed much themselves, at 40 yards. About to zugzug myself into making a BM hunter




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Nah, at least not yet. Marksmanship needs more time.

They could knock a bit off Cobra/Barbed, though.

Maybe Empowered Release?

Just change double tap to make them come out of stealth.


BM hunter doesn’t have aimed shot…


This is all that needs to happen.

Sure MM burst is high, but so is WW, Arms, Firemage, Subrogue, Demo, Ele, etc. Like half the specs in the game will 100-0 you in seconds if they get their burst off in a proper setup, just how it goes in a bursty meta. The only thing MM has over them is the ability to do our burst opener from stealth, remove that and MM is in-line with the other burst specs.


Yeah, I think that’s what Dilly suggested the other day.


Reality is any issues people have had with MM sorta comes from careful aimed modifiers and double tap synergy being high and it can be super cheesy from stealth with necrolord covenant for example

The actual damage MM outputs isn’t really unreasonable but it’s burst windows can be gimmicky because of how those modifiers stack together

It makes it really punishing vs inexperienced players while also being a super frustrating spec to play when people are competent

The reality is any base damage from aimed shot or arcane isn’t crazy though, modifiers from careful aimed and double tap can be super dumb though especially out of camo. Good crit rng can just delete you


Whichever it’s still way overturned for any expansion except shadowlands

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Is it? I feel like a lot of its power right now is just people not identifying when it does damage.

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Aimed Shot nerfed by 50% in PvP Combat!

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It’s up there.

Sure… but what relevance does that have to… well, anything?

We’re in shadowlands right now, that is the expansion the spec exists in. Why does it matter how strong the burst is compared to past expansions?

It’s just shadowlands is a bad expansion. It’s not singularly directed at Hunters.yes mm damage is busted but so is everything and in blizzards mind if everything is overturned then that means everything is balanced.


Kind of?

There aren’t really any bad specs right now.

Maybe Destro, Unholy and Fury aren’t in the best of spots?

I mean yeah… if everything is OP then nothing is OP. Kind of reminds me of MoP.

It’s just a different way of going about it. Everything can be powerful and super bursty, or everything can be slow and have uber dampening games like in BFA and Legion.

Personally I prefer the fast meta, but that’s a subjective thing that others might feel differently about.


no. but it should