Aimed shot

Yooo what MMR were they at?

Idk I was watching off and on for about an hour. I think they started at 2100 and were closer to 2.2-2.3k when i stopped watching? Idk don’t @me when you take 5 minutes to easily look it up yourself and come in here with “well acktcuthallly they were 2198” I don’t care.

I am surprised that some of the best players in the world pulled of cheese strats over a thousand MMR lower than their skill level, that’s quite impressive


Yes I agree playing hunter and gibbing people out of stealth is very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very very impressive.

I’m glad we actually agree here dpoo

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True, what happens when their opponents aren’t significantly worse than them? Surely they won every game with this unbeatable strategy???


let marks have a season ffs havent they suffered enough. should of been reworked instead of spriest

They’re playing hunter. Every opponent is significantly worse than them.

I’ll never understand why you get so defensive about newfangled broken stuff. Jellybeans and Absterge had the right reaction to all of this nonsense. THEY LAUGHED.

They said Omg how can blizzard let such broken stuff go live. This game is a joke. Hunters are busted… blah blah blah. Laughing the whole time.

That’s what you need to learn. You need to learn to laugh at this stuff my dude. You’re gonna give yourself a heart attack before you turn 15

I laugh at things all the time especially when playing, I’d be laughing too in the same situation but it wouldn’t change that anyone I’m fighting is far worse than me anyways or from knowing it’s not happening more than once when I’m not playing significantly below my skill level. Even playing some normal spec/build if you put Blizzcon competitors vs people significantly worse than them the game is over in under a minute and if it isn’t there’s a massive problem with the game so I would never draw any conclusions from that regardless.

You unironically cry a ton about the game even for strats that aren’t ever working vs a real team. They played a cheese meme build vs random players ofc that is going to be hilarious. No one has ever said it’s not stupid how punishing it is vs bad teams, it’s pretty frequently discussed that it’s a major issue with those builds anyways where it’s all on the opponent and not on anything you get to do.

There’s far more burst windows that have significantly less counterplay and people react to those anyways so I don’t even know how to take this seriously

You should take your own advice tho you’ve been complaining about the same class for years, obviously you aren’t someone that cares about improving so just laugh and move on



Adaptive/constructive mindset that comes across as defensive, perhaps? He usually gives a bit of a breakdown as to how you could or could’ve dealt with whatever the go was.

Bodying people in the opener is always funny.

What part of this gave off “unironically crying” ???

I forget that comprehension is your weak point, I was referencing something you’ve done for a very long time.

So nothing related to anything here. You’re just being a clown

Historically you just kind of complain about stuff with little interest in learning how to deal with it.

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It isn’t necessarily unrelated, you’re using it as your talking point complaint for a class you’re always upset about and your example is using the best players in the world fighting terrible players in comparison lmao

Imagine being like “lol bro u see Michael Jordan absolutely dunk on that high school team? man basketball is stupid” and wondering why someone thinks you just sound silly

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Okay but dpoo thinks it’s specific to hunters. It’s not. Like I said earlier…

I understand the mechanics of how to stop these bursts. I just don’t think they should be in game. And I’ll never understand why dpoo or other people disagree.

Because all we can do is adapt and play around them until they’re tweaked, if ever.

A lot of the “problems” brought up aren’t even really problems, though. It’s just not understanding how the spec deals damage, what their CDs do, how you could deal with them, etc.

It almost always comes to “somebody committed every offensive button, I committed either a small one or nothing and died, fix it”.

Precisely! Exactly! YeS! And the squeaky wheel will get the grease. If blizzard sees people complaining they are more likely to make adjustments. Let your voice be heard and all that.

And these forums are exactly the place to do that

Now it’s been over a year since we had major adjustments and 9.2 looks absolutely minimal in it’s adjustments but I don’t see a problem with expecting voicing changes I’d like seen for 10.0

Sometimes yeah. But like I just said again I don’t think things like that should exist in the game. The whole cooldown stacking and borrowed powers and adding +damage modifiers on top of +damage modifiers on top +damage modifiers… the top end potential of these things should be lower.

I understand it’s a tight rope to walk between dealing 80k damage instantly and 25minute dampeners but it shouldn’t be this hard.

The whole cooldown stacking and borrowed powers and adding +damage modifiers on top of +damage modifiers on top +damage modifiers… the top end potential of these things should be lower.

Synergy is nice, but some synergies are overpowered and could use a nerf
e.g. WW receiving kryian boomkin vers buff and blessing of summer

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Just posting for the laugh atm but i left a silly 2s skirmish on my rival geared dk vs spriest/hunter in duelist running the explosive trap leggo. I know its a skirm and i didnt have a healer…but i quite literally instantly gripped him in, im talking sub .4 seconds, and he managed to get a lock and load proc (yay rng) into doubletap/chakram and i died through ibf AND fleshcraft since the match just started. Kinda silly. Talking about like 85k damage in a few seconds. I was even using emeni for resilient stitching…so it might be more. The spriest was doing a bit but preeeettty much all the damage was the hunter.

It’s a bit tilting to die to insane damage like this while my frost strike is hitting for 3k and oblit does between 3500 baseline on a mail target and im hitting crits for 11k with full mastery stack. Come on…i know different classes are different but its pretty lame.

I have a hunter, dh, warlock all in the same gear and the hunter is only outclassed by the dh in damage overall with the hunters burst way way higher.

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