Aimed shot

Yea don’t care, against I was commenting on the quote that you also commented on.

Huge TD for Covlol to win the game!


yeah you scored a touchdown, too bad we werent playing football. you definitely took the ball and ran away without anyone knowing wtf you were doing though. you did that successfully.

You really belong in the General Discussion forums.

cool story bro.

Isn’t this a change they actually put in at one point, and the wailing / gnashing of teeth caused them to revert it? I might be wrong, but felt like this was how it was in BFA or on a Slands early pre-release build or something…

yep they nerfed it before

double tap has never broken camo

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I appreciate that lengths you are going to just to trash male elf players. Lol.

male elf players trash themselves by existing.

There was at least one bullet sponge male nelf resto/guardian druid in every BG during BFA, usually multiple, and it was tedious sitting around waiting for them to come off DR then hoping to get a full stun on them before some fem orc on tich with goggles 1 pt kidneys them in an attempt to stop their regrowth cast at 100% hp

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All non Goblins do. And happy new year Shay!

goblins are pretty good. i still think anyone not male undead is wasting their time. but goblins are pretty high on the list. happy new year !

MoP I would only play Goblin and Undead and always male. Now I can’t play non Goblins, go figure.

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Even with the extra GCD and cast time for aimed shot. It still does ridiculous damage which with CDs up is hard to out heal. And depending on what % of health you’re on already could just kill you too.

Ya abilities being used with cds should be hard to heal and should kill you depending on what % of health you are.


including 100%?

Iunno ask the guy who is acting like cds should be easily healed through.

A well executed burn.

Sometimes you gotta slam em

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“People gotta die”

-Brian Holinka, CEO of arena