Aimed shot

I hate the potion change. Slamming a dozen of these per match was great.


I’m also on team nerf hunter

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I miss all the consumables.
Stealthman54 (great for guarding nodes, escaping in wpvp etc)
Swiftness Pots
Free Action Pots

So much fun, ruined for what?

Eh. Some were garbage. What was that banish trinket from timeless isle? You know what I’m talking about. That thing… absolute garbage

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You mean Annoyed/Andrews fav toy? lmao

I don’t mean garbage like that. (or the honeycombs/shadowberries from WoD)
I mean craftable consumables (engineering, alchemy etc).

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Ikr, it was such a dumb change.

Keystone players trying to minmax potion usage between pulls (which was fun and good imo)
Boomers missing their prepot despite a countdown because after a decade and a half of raiding they still click their consumables

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So in other words…

Dumbing the game down even more. (as tradition)


In Mists you could swap gear and talents
In Warlords they removed talent swaps, but you could still swap specs, so you’d have two loadouts, and you could swap from a st set to an aoe set as well as trinkets
Legion did away with this, and so on

I imagine they want to keep it approachable so people can perform as best they can with as little insane prep work, or maybe it’s a philosophy thing where they want you to commit to one setup but everybody I knew who loved dungeons in mop, wod or legion is gone now

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MoP will live forever in my heart as the best pvp (esp 5.4)


MoP classic waiting room.


imagine showering at the gym

Read the thread title you drooling filth.

I’m sorry, were you responding to the thread title or me directly. Cuz when you quoted me and not the thread title it implies you are responding to me.

I know you’re kind of dumb an all so I guess I’ll explain this. I was responding to your comment in regards to the thread, this is the reason I didn’t quote the other classes you mentioned.

Now clean the drool from your shirt buddy.

Tldr: you cant read more than 5 words at a time and only read the first half of what I posted.

Ya, I figured you wouldn’t get it. Go play with your crayons.


great plan. ill draw you a picture next time. then you wont have to bother reading, i know what a struggle that is for ya.

There is your picture, now take your foot and enter the mouth.


yeah, also like that low-bie alt you arent reading the full post of whats quoted. if you click on the little down arrow in the top right corner of each quote, you can see the full post. just a helpful hint.