Aimed shot

The clueless hunter haters never cease to amaze :joy:


its no more hate than any other broken thing. its ww or arms or fire or 1 dance builds or convoke or vesper, like that this point you could just acknowledge it and just go. YEP SHADOWLANDS.

Pretty much.

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it’s gross lol

It’s not exactly like it. The point however remains the same. I get it if it’s the teams first experience queing against marks especially a necro one, but the entire name of the game with shadowlands pvp is cooldown trading. You see chakram and a hunter come out of stealth with double tap and don’t respect it you die it’s that simple.

Is it dumb? Yes, but that’s ultimately what shadowlands pvp is. You can either adapt to it or keep getting killed by things you can counter.

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unpopular opinion, i dont think under any circumstances of respecting or not respecting cds, you should be dieing in under 1 second. from monks or mages or rogues or hunters or shamans or anything. i think if GCD is 1.5s then you should at 100% hp you shouldnt be dying in >1s. right?


Look at some point you stop regurgitating generic stuff and look at the actual context of the matter

If this was a mage coming out of stealth casting table you’d be freaking out like you were about ring of fire.

You say react to CDs but the only thing here you are possibly reacting to is death chakram.

No one is expecting 22k dps because of death chakram, stop being obtuse.

Seeing infernal + Darksoul demands a reaction but you aren’t going to get hit by 22k dps, nvm it coming out of stealth off 1 hard cast and an instant.

Post on main and stop being ridiculous

In this example the Ret has BoP, but anyone without an immunity is sol because the hunter has Ultimate form up. Maybe just maybe it’s more damage than necessary


pretty simple changes to be made here

nerfing chakram’s % amp or removing it entirely in pvp

aimed shot does not need more multipliers than it already does, and chakram is an extra, unnecessary multiplier that pushes aimed shot just a bit too high, allowing mm hunters to play lone wolf

an mm hunter having access to lone wolf, careful aim, explosive shot, battle shout, necro war banner, fleshcraft mastery, death chakram amp, and double tap is too much

nerfing necro is the move here


Necro really does seem to be causing most of the pvp problems in this game lol


That’s not an unpopular opinion. Literally anyone who isn’t fried thinks that, you just think you’re the only one because you refuse to see how people can think that and still say if you don’t respect cds you deserve to die.

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Let’s break this down. If anyone’s faced a necro marks doing the one shot then yes they expect it, I expect it anytime I see them and guess what? I don’t die to them anymore.

The only reason you want me to post on my main is so you can go “ha see this guy plays x class his opinion is irrelevant”, you can see my xp just like how I can see you’re that rogue who was unironically defending dozer.

Nobody that isn’t fried has said the damage is good, but this is shadowlands. Several classes have cheese like this. After a certain point you need to learn to stop crying about everything and figure out the counterplay. It’s not my fault you’re too awful at this game that you can’t figure out the easy counterplay to marks, (or the fact that he ultimate formed for cc immunity giving the pally waaaaaaaay more time to react then normal).

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Why does this dude rp as a good player


Then you didn’t read what I wrote

You’re just fried

Put the class back to what it was after the 9.0 nerfs.

“Respect the CDs” GTFOH.

Considering it takes 1 gcd to press double tap, a gcd to press chakrams and the cast time of aimed shot. No one is dying in under 1 sec. You’re just fried.

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I think more specifically nerfing Necro banner, and the hunter Chakrams Conduit in the same hot fix would be the best way to achieve that IMO.

As a KFC player that banner has more to do with my bonkers aimed shot chunkage than anything else listed there, with chakrams amp being a medium distanced second.

Also indirectly messes with ret/war which I’m sure everyone would be psyched for.

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There’s several gcds worth of line up, react to them or you lose. Nobody says this design is good but if you don’t like it you can either stop playing or start trying to counter. Malding out on the forums because you know double tap from a necro hunter with chakram means death and you don’t press anything is stupid.

Rapid Shot is chunking hard too. Saw some Glad geared guy get chunked by a 40k hp Hunter in a BG by it.

You absolute vegetable. You are a piece of broccoli that learned how to type

The power of zerker/saltwater.