Aimed shot

It’s because other covenants force a clear kill set up which is really easy to stop, and MMs kit with it’s longer/clunkier globals is more set up for being disruptive towards set ups vs actually creating kill opportunities

Instead you have more of an ele shaman role, so being something like Venthyr makes more sense because overall you get more consistent damage but also random/less predictable kill windows eventually

It’s hard when you have to force win conditions with MM and that doesn’t really synergize well with any available comps. You’re strongest with restoration druids which means you want to have disruptive play/prolonged games and Venthyr pulls out very ahead for this reason. You get much more consistent reliable damage while being able to be disruptive which is extremely important. On the other hand covenants like Kyrian make the go too telegraphed and easy to shut down and you’re allocating resources there, and while Necrolord is a 45 second window, it might as well be 1 minute because it would be suboptimal to not have it line up with your double tap

With venthyr you get so much consistency with kiting and you still eventually have really strong burst potential. You get the option to just play around random kill shot/lnl procs to be mobile while just delaying the game - other covenants rely far too much on forcing a win condition


What if we, due to lack of originality, make aimed shot do dot dmg over 3secs instead of instant dmg. At least it helps others react.

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Yea bring back explosive shot

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It’s already so easy to react and slow to legitimately set up your burst damage as MM - it’s on the spectrum of some of the most telegraphed burst in the game

The only issue anyone should have ever had is double tap from camo so you can double tap aimed shot - you make double tap break camo and there’s just no excuse other than lack of awareness really


A full global, yellow buff, and a 2sec+ cast isn’t time enough to react?

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It is, the knowledge and damage foresight aren’t usually there, though. In general people are the most comfortable in an environment where they can take damage, then react, whereas MM, Ret, Sub, etc, just outright kill you. At least in the case of Ret people are usually pretty good about reacting to the seraphim>hoj>wings+toll because they’ve been dinged so many times, and the visuals are super flashy.


Ya thats my point. Its not MM’s fault that people don’t know how to stop something thats incredibly easy to stop.


I play all three specs, casually do arena, and love doing randoms. I agree with you. MM needs a hard nerf. I don’t play MM much anymore because of this reason. Wrecking someone in less than 2 seconds isn’t fun for me. I don’t like the idea of abilities taking us out of stealth. Kinda messes with the fantasy side of being a MM (sniper). I think they need to re-tune MM. Whether it be reworking modifiers or flat dmg nerf.

Shadowlands PvP is all over the place. I wouldn’t just focus on Hunters. There are many classes that can “one shot” you. Hybrid healing and CC DR needs to be looked at as well.

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yet deathbolt got nerfed :frowning:

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Let’s be fair here, that is not the type of damage profile that affliction has. Plus we hate locks.

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At least it got reworked into something a little more befitting of Afflictions identity.

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I mean youre not wrong. but i think the overwhelming dmg from kyrian allows you to force those offensive kinda plays. its just so much dmg.

Maybe venth is a bit better but I still think Kyrian is a close contender, at least in 2s

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Much harder to deal with Flayed Shot and KS procs than Kyrian Arrow.


Immediately nerf! hunters cant be good!


not when double tap lasts 15 secs and hunters are shooting at you from Narnia while you are stuck in a blinding shot.

don’t act like it is not easy to pull this dmg off!

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Oh so you’re complaining about a duel since you have no partner to put any micro CC on the hunter to stop the entire go?

Don’t act like its not easy to stop this damage.


Oh so you are playing without any partners who can help cross cc?

Don’t act like it is not easy to do this damage.

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Rofl I get it man, your bad and can’t stop the dmg from multiple globals and a 2.5+sec hard cast. Keep crying though!


Just going to leave this here

https:// imgur .com/a/Gmkdkwd

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lol even the ice block didn’t save the poor mage

are you still defending mm @covlol?

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