Aimed shot

careful aim should be the fun version of careful aim from cataclysm that made aimed shot have a 60% increased chance to crit on targets above 90% hp


Legion it was really solid, just wasn’t good in BfA or WoD

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Thinking about Rapid Killing and Rapid Recuperation.

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Yes and no. Kill shot procs on top of lock adn load procs randomyl global people when you diddn’t know they had damage.

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MM players are the kind of people who wear swim trunks to shower at the gym.


Yeah it was decent but not alot of people were fans of marked shot. I thought it was okay…

but i much prefer what we have right now

Their tool kit fits quite nicely in 2s actually especially against meta.

though i think a stun would be nice, but maybe over kill

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BM doesn’t use aimed shot /facepalm

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MM usually doesn’t have flayed shot procs as most are Kyrian or necro

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Doing it wrong if you’re not venthyr


I only play MM in random BGs usually for lolnecro fun


Word that makes sense

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Kyrian is good. It’s particularly better in 2s

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It is not

The highest MM hunter in 2s is Venthyr


Kyrian mm I swear is just fishing for gimmick rapid fire kills. Idk venth mm just feels scarier sustain wise. Necro mm kinda just feels troll to me. But I’m also bad so idk


And On EU both the top two are Kyrian. I watch matassos videos too and he says same thing. Kyrian is best but venth is good too

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I just looked and it seems like a mix, but hard to say for sure as some people log out in different specs/covenants than what they PvP in.

However my personal experience with Kyrian MM in 2’s is it’s not super consistent, but can be a lot of fun. Feels really similar to playing fire mage in 2’s where you just keep trying to get cross cc then blow someone up in a go. Problem is people rotate trinkets and defensives and due to the long setup time (unlike combust) it’s really hard to get the damage out in a cc chain. There’s just too many tells and too much time for people to react/recover. With that said it obviously works to a degree or people wouldn’t win any games with it vs good players, but I just don’t see how it could be considered “best”. Probably more entertaining for streams though.

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Gonna be real here, I really don’t feel like Necro is all that far behind Venthyr offensively and I don’t even play munitions in arena against most comps. I swap between both fully decked out, and while Venthyr does more pressure, Necro has a lot more kill potential in the win condition windows I create.

Don’t get me wrong, getting a killshot proc during a trap window is great, and a double one can basically guarantee major defensives, but it can also be the other way around where you can wait forever without a proc. Sometimes you have good windows for a kill and you don’t get anything extra in those crucial moments.

At least with Necro every 45 seconds, I have a fully controllable guaranteed 26% damage amp into my target that also does solid damage for its duration as well.


None of them are close to as successful as Chunli is in 2s

100% Venthyr is the best

Part of it is nadia, you can literally just wait for the fatal flaw haste proc, cancel it, double tap delete someone at full hp with CA

Pmuch what Chun does all the time

The covenant is just super insane in general though, you can just play to dampen like an ele shaman and eventually you’ll delete someone, you don’t necessarily need to focus on some crazy go, you can just randomly find a window and kite forever until that happens

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Ngl I never thought of that. Maybe I’m still missing something here though, but 20% dmg every 80 seconds with control, vs 26% physical damage every 45 with another 10-15k magic dot attached to still doesn’t seem like a massive plus.

Like don’t get me wrong I’m not arguing that you’re wrong, venthyr is the best when utilized properly, I’m just honestly not seeing why it’s so far ahead that anything else is just “playing MM wrong.”

Maybe it’s because I’m not at your ratings, but Necro burst potential even without munitions (juicy af when you queue into something you don’t need craven for though) still seems incredibly solid with the added bonus of a little bit of extra cushion if I need to utilize fleshcraft because I or my team made a mistake.

Idk I get why kyrian is a bad choice after a certain rating, but I’m just having a hard time seeing why venthyrs great full offensive toolkit is THAT much far ahead of necros performance.

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